(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) God said All of it in the new turn if you would Ezekiel chapter to keep replacing first Samuel We're definitely coming back there a lot. I want you to I just want to cross reference this with Ezekiel Because this is the trait that we need to have and we need to exalt the the love of the truth Now more than ever We have an entire culture an entire society our American culture is horrible and And now it just continues to turn to this this culture of like let's lie to people and let's live in a fantasy land and Pretend like these things are real and we need to respect this and respect that wickedness in this Perversion and just bury our heads in the sand and let's just say like oh no everything's okay And oh you're a man But you want to be you want to be a she her and you want to use these? Pronouns and say like well I was boy I feel like I'm a woman you're born a man, and we're just gonna make up this fantasy land and say okay Everyone play this game now And we're gonna just pretend that this man is actually a woman because he puts on a dress and says use these pronouns That does no good for anybody Just coming up with some strange reality and saying oh, okay, yeah now I'm Everything that I see and everything that's real we're just gonna change all that Just to suit your made-up fantasy land as opposed to saying No, that's not real. There's something wrong with this person You know they need help or they need something else, but it's not to just play along with some lie Because you know who it's really confusing to the children And that's what they continue trying to do is push this in the schools and get the children to literally think different and and have their whole reality changed and Thing that somehow this is normal or acceptable that people can just be whatever they feel or whatever they want as Opposed to just dealing with the truth and dealing with the facts if you look if you're a man You're a man if you're a woman. You're a woman. That's it You're not you're not a cat trapped in a human body Which that exists today Oh an elementary school from students that are sick of this and there's like a litter box in the restroom Talking about a Twilight Zone episode, but it's reality its insanity is what it is How do we get to this place how does this even happen it happens when supposed men of God stop Preaching the whole counsel of God when people get more concerned about Feelings and making sure everybody feels comfortable and everybody feels safe and everybody's okay And don't you worry your little selves. It's all going to be all right Instead of this is what God says There's good. There's bad take heed fear the Lord obey his commandments This is the way we're supposed to lead our lives There's mercy. There's forgiveness. There's love amen But God is not mocked be not deceived God is not mocked for whatsoever a man so at that Shall I also reap okay that needs to be taught to because that's the truth. That's reality You can't just make up stuff and just say well I don't really like that so I'm not gonna do anything about that you end up where we're at today