(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) First number three the Bible reads, but neither Titus who was with me being a Greek was compelled to be circumcised and that because of false brethren Unaware is brought in who came in privily to spy out our Liberty Which we have in Christ Jesus that they might bring us into bondage. So Another warning about false brethren so they come in Privately and like privately right secretly. They don't want to make themselves know they have an agenda To spy out our Liberty which we have in Christ Jesus And They're trying to bring us into bondage So they start to bring in their damnable heresy and their works and trying to bring this back into that bondage And it says in verse 5 to whom we gave place by subjection No, not for an hour that the truth of the gospel might continue with you So we didn't entertain that foolishness in that heresy not even for an hour And when it comes to the gospel, we're not willing to entertain Anything other than what we've already received I'm not willing to entertain any other gospel than what I've already received Not for an hour why because we need the gospel to continue We need it to further the right gospel flip over to chapter 4 Verse 17 the Bible says they zealously affect you but not well and it people might have a lot of zeal You might have people coming in here with just a lot of a lot of zeal a lot of drive real excited, right? But if they're bringing in another gospel They're not gonna affect you well Just because someone is very self you might see a preacher online or whatever and oh man They're on fire and all this and that I just love listening to them You know what they may have a lot of zeal But if they if they're a false prophet if they've got a different gospel different Jesus, they're not gonna affect you Well says yea, they would exclude you that ye might affect them verse 18 But it is good to be zealously affected always in a good thing and not only when I am present with you So you're saying it's you know, yeah It's great to be zealous on a good thing on a right thing My little children of whom I travel and birth again until Christ be formed in you I desire to be present with you now and to change my voice for I stand in doubt of you Tell me you that desire to be under the law. Do you not hear the law? So he's already saying I'm standing in doubt of you. Why why is he staying in doubt of them? He's standing in doubt of their salvation, which is why in verse 19. He says of whom I travel in birth again until Christ be formed in you There's no stronger language that he could use with Questioning their salvation than just saying look I need do I it's like I need to give birth again Because I thought y'all were saved I traveled I worked I labored I preached the gospel unto you you got saved But now you're telling me that you know people need to be circumcised to be saved Do I need to go through this whole thing again? Because obviously you didn't get it the first time if you're believing and this works then now Then then something didn't stick Something's not right. That's that's the problem that we need to you know that we need to watch out for and That made him doubt is is their testimony of even doubting whether or not they're saved