(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) verse number 20 the Bible reads where no wood is there the fire goeth out so where there is no tale bearer the strife ceaseth very wise statement here it's just saying just like when you run out you have a campfire you run out of wood guess what that fire is gonna go out there's no fuel just gonna burn out likewise when you don't have somebody instigating things and telling these stories and stirring people up the strife is going to cease that the fighting is going to end the problem is when you have the tailbearer just going in and causing the problems and causing divisions we need to watch out for that but also you need to make sure just for yourself that you're not being the tailbearer that you're not just spreading information that you know is going to be causing problems and causing fights between people and and messing around with people's credibility or whatever and just just saying well sometimes you don't just need to say sometimes you just need to shut your mouth verse number 21 as coals are to burning coals and wood to fire so is a contentious man to kindle strife the words of a tailbearer as wounds and they go down in innermost parts of belly we already read that in another proverb it must be important first number 23 burning lips and a wicked heart are like a potsherd covered with silver dross that is a bad combination having burning lips and a wicked heart what do we have burning lips lips that just can't stop you just can't control your mouth and then combine that with a wicked heart disaster verse 24 he that hateth dissembleth with his lips and layeth up deceit within him dissembling I mean think of assembling you're building something together you're building up dissembling as you're tearing it down the person that hates is tearing down other people don't tell me that you love your brother your sister in Christ when you're tearing them down with your words because that's not love and the Bible's warning about that we ought to be very very careful because these are these are serious these are serious problems that not only would it be a sin for you but it also just does damage and I think brings reproach upon the name of Christ if this is how you treat one another if this is how things work that is why so many I know I we talk to people all the time out soul winning and there's all these different stories and some of the worst problems that happen is that people just get out of church because they're like you know what I was part of church for a long time and then there's like this split and there's these factions and you've got people gossiping between here and here and all these problems going on people just like I don't want anything to do with that anymore I thought this is supposed to be a family I suppose we're supposed to love each other here I thought this is supposed to be a place where we can serve God together and I go there and all of a sudden people are just talking about me from the moment I walk in the door and it puts a bad taste in their mouth and they never want to go back to that again if that's the way churches I don't want to have anything to do with Church now obviously you can't judge all churches and all people based on one experience it's not right for someone to do that but it is a reality it is something that people do and it's all the more reason to make sure that you're not like that that you're not going to be the cause of someone else going well I don't want to have anything to do with that I'm not going to start just spreading rumors and look it doesn't you could you know some people do it publicly and it's just open and on on Facebook and on Twitter and on whatever social is throw out lies and slanders and gossip and railing accusations and they don't even care yeah that does a lot of damage but you know what even if you don't do it publicly you still got to watch out for being guilty of gossip gossip only needs two people talking about that third and when there is no good reason at all for you to be bringing up someone else especially something bad about someone else don't do it because that's gossip