(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) And the part of the passage we're going to focus in on starts there in verse number 24, and I reference this verse periodically from time to time and you know this this passage particularly when it comes to church attendance, and that's exactly when we're preaching on again this morning, and you know this subject is I believe extremely important and one of the things you know I hope I don't sound too much like a broken record when you come to church or you know when you hear different things preached But it is very needful for us, and this has been my experience Just being in church and going to church for you know over a decade for different years and years and years and years You know just seeing people come and go people seeing people come and go now Thank God our church is just a little over two years old and we have people in here that been here from the very first service and people have been very faithful and Continue to be faithful and other people have joined a little bit later and are real faithful to church But every single time I preach a sermon on You know a church attendance and things like that I always say hey You know look around because in a few years I guarantee there's gonna be people who aren't here that you would probably never guess Would whatever drop out of church now Let me say this to I'm not you know Doesn't bother me if someone leaves our church to go to another church and serve God somewhere else Right I mean if you're gonna go to you know the the problem comes in is when you just get out of church Or when people just don't go to church if you're if you're going to you know a church You think it's a better fit you think it's a better church or whatever or it's what you can do Maybe maybe there's other things that are keeping you from coming to here specifically to this church Whatever you know I'm not That's not what I'm gonna be preaching about at all this morning is is Necessary me per se and let me add this to you because what one of the things that we see With what I've seen with people is that oftentimes there's people that just seem to be like man you're diehard You're never gonna go anywhere. You know people who've been instrumental even in our church have just kind of faded away and we're gonna look at a lot of passages this morning and You know hopefully if people who? May be listening online, but more importantly you know for you guys that are here this morning I hope this can make some kind of an impact on you to understand really understand the importance Just of being in church in general, and you know when I started this church two years ago I don't know what everyone's expectations were you know maybe some people had a real high Expectation and I didn't live up to that expectation if I didn't do that sorry But I don't know what you'd expect you know we started this church here specifically because I already had known of and talked with a bunch of people who are from this area and they know there's no churches out here that are really going forth and really interested in winning souls and really knocking on doors and doing the work and And taking hard stands on biblical truths Especially on moral truths that are just just found Very clearly in Scripture and that things that seem to be watered down And that was one of the reasons why I chose to start a church here right now I'm not claiming to be the best preacher the bet you know the most interesting person or whatever But you know what that shouldn't matter at all as far as reasons to go to church How interesting your your preacher is? Is not you know you got to look at is the person qualified is the church You know is are we doing a good work are we doing a good job is this what we're doing is it got the right? Doctrine you got the right salvation, and you know that's what should be most important to you and unfortunately with some people And there's lots of different reasons what people get out of church So I'm not just just broad brushing every single person who's ever come here and doesn't come here anymore or anything like that believe me Don't don't take it that way, please But You get it's real. There's a lot of excitement. Just kind of like when you first get saved I don't know about you, but for me when I first got saved I was real excited and and you know wanted to tell everybody about it And it was something that was real personal and impactful obviously your salvation. You know hey, man. I put my trust in Jesus I'm saved. This is great. This is good news I told my friends and there's like what are you talking about it kind of thought was crazy You know and tell my family about it But then after a while that excitement just generally seems to fade and it's kind of like that with any with everything right I mean you get married everything's great like man. We just got married you go on a honeymoon You're having all this fun, and and you're learning each other you're living together and everything else and then after a while you know what it fades that excitement level fades the honeymoons over right and What the time my sermon this morning is when the excitement fades you know so even coming to church You know you get involved like man church I've never been a church like this before this is great people all involved with all the stuff going on It's real exciting and you get plugged in and you can be doing a lot of work But after a while that excitement is going to fade and what we need to understand about the Christian life and about your walk with God is that you need to be faithful to the Lord and faithful to the house of God When it's exciting and when it's not exciting It's something that you need to make the decision on just like your marriage Right when you when you make a vow and say you know what this is for life until death do us part That you're serious about that vow you're serious about that marriage. You're gonna say I will not divorce my spouse It's not an option right. I'm I've gone into this and you know what that's why you say for better and for worse Because there's going to be good times. It's gonna be bad times gonna be real exciting and joyful There's gonna be times where it's not so fun, but either way. We're gonna stick through this you got to look at church As like a marriage where you're gonna go into it going hey I'm gonna serve the Lord and again Look if there's a church that that gets apostate and and this turns real bad and turns sour got some false for you Get out of that church But go to a different church Right you have to marry yourself to one particular church, but decide and say I will be in a church in God's house Wherever that may be in God's house where he would have me to be in a place where he's gonna add me as a member To be a more functional Christian and to do the things that God has established church for and when we look down here at Hebrews 10 look at verse number 24 the Bible reads and let us consider one another To provoke unto love and to good work so one of the jobs as you as a Christian what we ought to be doing in general with each other is Considering each other thinking about one another you know you come to church the church ought to be a church Family if your brothers and sisters in Christ you are a family We have one Heavenly Father And we ought to be able to share each other's burdens and concerns and and be considering and thoughtful of each other So that we could provoke each other unto love and to good works to do good to do Right to be an encouragement because when you're out in the world by and large you're going to be exposed to all kinds of stuff And in all kinds of sin and wickedness and just the thought process of the world and in the ways of the world are gonna Try to steer you away from the Lord and into sin