(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Very, very similar to what we see in Psalm 18, verses four and five. With the sowers of hell compassed me about, the snares of death prevented me. Verse six then, of course, also follows up, just as 1 16 did. In my distress, I called upon the Lord and cried unto my God. He heard my voice out of his temple and my cry came before him, even into his ears. Now, you know, people might say, oh, well, why would Jesus have to call on God? Well, Jesus, when he was on the cross, said, my God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me, right? When he was bearing the sins of the whole world in his body. So it makes sense that in hell, he would still cry out to the Lord, but then the Lord's gonna hear him, right? And deliver him out of hell. That, to me, that just makes perfect sense. But what's also interesting about this too, is just, you know, we need to remember, just as it is what's being taught here, in my distress, I called upon the Lord. You know, are you calling out to God in your times of trouble? And we, and especially as men, we need to realize, you know, men and women alike, but men especially, you know, don't get so much pride in your life that makes you want to have to do everything on your own. Now, look, it's good to be independent. It's good to own up the thing. It's good to, you know, when you do wrong, suffer for the wrong that you've done. Be willing to take punishments when you do things that are bad or wrong, and kind of stand up, own it. But also, you know, when you're trying to work, you don't want to just accept handouts from people, from other men, I get that too. You want to try to earn your own way. But here's the thing, when you come across troubles and you have these hard times and you're in distress and you're in dire need, you know, you gotta turn to God. You don't have so much pride that you think you can't turn to the Lord. Of all people, I mean, you may not want to turn to man, but always turn to God. Always turn to the Lord. Don't have so much pride in you that you think, no, I'm gonna go this alone. There's nothing that's gonna be honorable for you choosing not to turn and call on the Lord. That's not honorable. Okay, you may think it is in your mind. Turn to God. You know what's honorable? Is God getting glory and credit and honor for saving you. How about that? How about instead of you worrying about getting honor on yourself by being tough enough to go through everything without asking God for help, why don't you ask God for help and give God some credit and glory and honor for saving you and delivering you and helping you out in your time of need and recognizing, you know what, God's a lot more powerful and strong than I am, and I'm gonna rely on His strength and His might than my own to get through whatever you're going through. And not only that, it's like we can call on the Lord and we know He's gonna hear. The Bible says that all things work together to good for those that love God, to those that are called according to His promise, that God will hear us.