(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) But we see almost the same message in Isaiah chapter 40 Isaiah 52 7 again says how beautiful upon the mountains of the feet of him that bringeth good tidings that publish its peace that bring It's good tidings of good that publishes salvation that that saith unto Zion thy God raineth. That's the good news, right? There's there's peace. There's prosperity your God reigns Look at Isaiah chapter 40 verse number 6 the Bible says the voice said cry and he said what shall I cry all flesh is grass And all the goodliness thereof is as the flower of the field the grass wither at the flower fadeth Because the Spirit of the Lord bloweth upon it surely the people is grass the grass wither it the flower fadeth But the word of our God shall stand forever verse 9 Oh Zion That bringeth good tidings Get thee up into thy high mountain. Oh Jerusalem that bring us good tidings lift up thy voice with strength Lift it up be not afraid Say unto the cities of Judah behold your God It's the same message and even notice here He's saying you know was I not bring its good tidings get thee up into the high mountain How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him that bringeth good tidings that publish its peace Lift up be not afraid and Would to God we could have people who would not be afraid to preach the gospel And I thank God we have a whole church full of people here that are not afraid to preach the gospel And we need more people to not be afraid to preach the gospel We need a lot more people because that's that is one of the number one things that prevents Believers from preaching the gospel is fear It's fear. I Know hey, I'll be the first to admit I was afraid I was afraid before I started soul winning I was afraid to even go out and be a silent partner and Then after I was a silent partner. I was afraid to try to open up my mouth and preach the gospel. I was afraid It's not right we shouldn't be afraid we had no reason to fear Fearfulness is a sin. I didn't fear the Lord more than I was fearing man or fearing the unknown I Mean the Bible says in Revelation 21 8 But the fearful and unbelieving in the abominable murderers and sorcerers or migrants and old eyes shall have their part lake would burn the fire And brimstone which is like a death we use that list of sins Usually we point out all liars the people who are unsaved saying hey, this is bad enough to send you to hell But what's the first part but the fearful? right But the fearful and especially as a believer you have no reason to be fearful You have no reason to be fearful. No good reason and God commands you not to be fearful You only fear the Lord and if you fear the Lord You're gonna keep his commandments and he's commanding you to go out and preach the gospel every creature See how that works nice and simple, right? Nonetheless I was still afraid and nonetheless people today are still afraid We have to overcome that fear though and understand and trust in God and hey you're bringing good tidings See people fear because you're worried about what other people are going to think of you and get mad at you Whatever, but you're thinking about it all wrong. You got to think about this way. You're bringing a good message Don't worry if someone's gonna get mad I mean think about if you had any other good news to tell anyone do you ever worry about how they're gonna respond? to a good message I Mean think about that if you if you have good news Maybe it may be a new married young couple Just finds out they're pregnant We've got good news. Hey, we're gonna have a baby you're not worried about being afraid or you shouldn't be up like what people are gonna say to you when you've got a good message or Hey You know, you've been in need I'm gonna give you a thousand bucks to help you out Right, you're gonna tell them you're not gonna be afraid. Well, what are they gonna say? Are they gonna be mad if I tell them I've got this great gift for them Well, you know what the message of salvation is good news Which by the way, we ought to preach it as such too, right? I don't like the the you know, the ray comfort style The bad news right that he brings bad news You got to repent of all your sins, right? Well, okay Guess I ain't gonna make it then And that's how he treats people to when people are just like I can't do that He's just basically dams them then. Okay. Well, yeah, you're not gonna make it then He spends half of his time or more than half of his time just berating people and tell them how wicked how wicked how wicked How wicked you are. It's like Dude, is there any good news to this at all? We need to preach the good news Obviously people understand their Center and they need a Savior obviously, right? Of course, of course, we believe that and we have to teach that and preach that but The majority of the time we ought to be spending on the good news The bad news is that you're a sinner, but you know what the gospel is the good news The gospel is that Christ paid your way the gospel is that hey the good news that lasts forever The good news is that now of your works the good news is bought and paid for the good news is all you have to Do is believe? Amen, that's the good news and we need to be preaching that good news. So why do you have to be afraid? That's good news, I mean people reject good news, okay, whatever don't let that get to you no reason to fear