(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) because I have called and ye refused I have stretched out my hand and no man regarded but ye have said at naught all my counsel and would none of my reproof so he's saying look I was trying I'm offering I'm reaching out my hand to help but you basically treated my counsel you treated my words you treated my commandments like it's nothing that's what not means it's empty it's nothing it's meaningless you treated the Word of God like it's nothing he says you would none of my you didn't want to hear it you didn't want to hear when you're wrong you didn't want to hear where the Bible saying you're a sinner you needed you know this is what you need to do to do right you didn't want anything to do with it he says so because of this because I've offered because I've reached out my hand because I'm trying to help you because I love you but you just say no don't want to hear it look at what he says now this is where is attitude changes he says I also will laugh at your calamity well that's not very nice meet God okay this is this is part this is also part of who God is so now we say what's your calamity when all this trouble comes upon you because you've lived this foolish life because you're not listening to his commandments and you get yourself into trouble because that's what's gonna happen when you don't listen to God's commandments when you don't follow his commandments you're gonna find yourself in a world of trouble see God gave us the commandments not to spoil your fun on this earth but to protect you and to watch out for you the same way that a father does for his children that gives him rules hey don't go run in the street hey don't go getting into booze and getting into drugs it it's gonna destroy you it's gonna ruin you we have these rules for our children that's why God made rules for us to protect us to look out for us for our own benefit and when you choose to just reject all of that guess what it's not gonna be good for you it's a world of hurt but here's the thing is that God said well look I tried and tried and tried so now when your calamity comes I'm just gonna laugh it's just gonna be amusing to me it's gonna be funny to me because I tried everything and reached out my hand and you just said no you know better I will laugh at your calamity I will mock when your fear cometh you're saying that you're gonna be afraid you know and when people are out there the foolish and they're mocking God and they don't want anything to do with it that's when they're lifted up with pride and they think nothing can ever go wrong with me I know better I could do whatever I want but you know what they always end up being humbled something always happens it's gonna bring them down but God's saying you know what when when your fear comes when you're not so proud anymore so I'm gonna mock I'm gonna laugh I'm gonna mock when your fear cometh as desolation and your destruction cometh as a whirlwind when distress and anguish cometh upon you then shall they call upon me look at this but I will not answer see some people say well it's never too late God says then shall they call on me but I will not answer they shall seek me early but they shall not find me for that they hated knowledge and did not choose the fear of the Lord they would none of my counsel they despised all my reproof there is a time now look God is long-suffering and merciful for many many many times for many cases but there comes a time when enough is enough with God there's a time he says that's it that's it I've done so much and you just continue you've made your choice there comes a point in people's lives where they could make their just like you made a choice to put your faith in Jesus Christ at one point in your life if you're a believer today if you're saved today you made a choice to put all of your faith on the Lord Jesus Christ to save your soul that's a choice that you made there are people out there that have made the choice of hearing understanding and then mocking and rejecting Jesus Christ and they've made that choice and God says all right you've made your choice and then that's it