(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) book of wisdom reinforcing the contentment proverbs 15 verse number 16 the Bible reads better as little with the fear of the Lord then great treasure and trouble therewith better the dinner of herbs where love is then a stalled ox and hatred therewith having these great meals you've got your filet lobster whatever it is that your favorite expensive food oh man this is so good and you could have that every day in your house but every day there's just a fight and an argument and and there's just stress and discontent and all this bickering and fighting every day when you sit down to eat your meal would you still want to have that meal with all that strife or would you rather just have a salad with you know like like whatever right ramen noodles but but but everything is is happy love wow it's great to see you were you know and you're having a very good time together I would take the you know yes the love you know what the wise thing to do would be to focus on that because what is your life about again if all your focus and well as long as I get my steak I don't care if they're up you know like that's a miserable existence that's miserable you may try to pretend and tell yourself that you don't really care but you don't have peace you don't now again if God happens to bless you and you still and you have that love you know focus on that love because if God blesses you and you do have that stalled oxen great okay but don't you know when you start desiring that and you don't have that and that's what you're setting your your attention on it's gonna cause the problems it's gonna it's gonna make it that you don't have that love keep the priorities straight the Bible says in Proverbs 16 verse 8 better is a little with righteousness than great revenues without right it's not all about money now I'm going to give some practical advice here and specifically about fighting over money and marriages because I said at the beginning of sermon this happens a lot okay and take heed to this advice this is gonna come from biblical principles as well husband's job is to provide for their family and that can be a stressful job understood I'm a husband I'm a father I know you have obligations to meet so it is stressful because you've got obligations and responsibilities but even still with that contentment you can have peace you're still going to have the the need to work and provide but it doesn't have to be something that's gonna cause you sorrow and distress and and fighting if you just said okay well God bless me with this job I'm gonna work and as the head of the household as the head of the household man why don't you determine what your finances are gonna be you make the budget okay I would say I don't recommend letting your wife make the budget now some guys oh but my wife's better with money in with math and figures like that look you're making the money determine where it's gonna go and set that standard right now do what you want your own house I'm just this is my recommendation okay you know how much you make so you make sure your needs are met first and foremost you're gonna make sure you've got food and clothing and you know a roof over your head bills paid whatever you go down that list and you determine what is a need and what is a desire and you make sure your needs are met after that you determine what else might be able to be spent on anything else and if if your spouse has a problem with that and with spending then go to all cash get rid of credit cards because you only have what you have right and and and as a head of household you know what you're in charge and if you're getting flack and fighting and everything else well you got to deal with it and it's just part of the job right you love your wife you love your spouse you want to do things for them right you want to make them happy but here's the thing at the end of the day you've got the responsibility and it may be stressful but you got to do you got to you got to put that you got to make that establish now as men you always want to provide and want to do things for your family but don't put too high of a priority on money once your needs are met you say okay hey this is satisfying our needs we don't need to make it's all still about money because you won't then you won't have that piece right there's nothing wrong with with finding another job and making more money somewhere else or whatever right go ahead and do that great and I recommend that try to get the most bang for your buck for your time right the time that you invest great learn a trade learn a skill do something else to be able to work the same amount hours you are now and earn more money there's nothing wrong with that but don't make it just all about the money in your house