(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Verse number 18, I will give thee thanks in the great congregation, I will praise thee among much people. Let not them that are mine enemies wrongfully rejoice over me, neither let them wink with the eye that hate me without a cause. And again, he just keeps bringing this up, they're my enemies wrongfully. I didn't do anything to them, they hate me without a cause. Verse 20, for they speak not peace, but they devise deceitful matters against them that are quiet in the land. And these are the people that just won't leave you alone, right? It's like, I'm trying to live peaceably. I'm just trying to live my life. I'm trying to do what's right. And you know, this is the typical, you know, the wicked politicians, it's like, you just want to live your life, I want to go to work. I want to provide for my family. I want to, I want to work a job, make some money. And then here they come and oh, how much you make it? You know, you need to give me some of that and you know, leave me alone, leave me alone. Don't tell me how much soda I could drink. Don't tell me what foods I can eat and can't eat. I don't need your stamp of approval on everything. Leave me alone. I want to live my life peaceably. But you know, there's people out there that just won't let you do that. And when you serve the Lord, there's gonna be a lot more of that. I mean, we see it when we go out and try to preach the gospel. Most people, okay, right, will knock on some doors. Oh, no, thanks. I'm not really interested. No, I'm not really interested. No, you know, and we can live peaceably. Okay, great, thanks. Take care. You know, no worries, no problem. But then you got the people. What are you doing? Hey, don't you go knock on that door? Oh, what do you think you're doing? Oh, you know, I'm gonna go call Kyle and just, just can't, just leave you alone. Look, let me do my thing. You do your thing. They don't speak peace. You get people that could get real, you know, I mean, it doesn't, again, I'm thankful it doesn't happen very often. But I expect it, as the love of many waxes cold, as we get closer to the day of Christ, that it will be more common. They devise deceitful matters against them that are quiet in the land. People just trying to do their own thing and be quiet. No, we got someone's always got to try to mess it up. Verse 21, yay, they opened their mouth wide against me and said, aha, aha, I had seen it. Again, these false witnesses, right? Oh, we gotcha. Gotcha. I caught you outside without a mask, I gotcha. Off to jail. You were doing 36 and a 35, I gotcha. Look, I'm just trying to go to church, man. Leave me alone. Which literally happened to someone in a congregation trying to come to church, getting pulled over for, you know, whatever. Stupid thing. It's all for your own safety. Verse 22, this thou hast seen. See, look, they say, are I seen it? We saw it. And then he goes, you know what, God, you've seen this. This thou hast seen, O Lord, keep not silence, O Lord, be not far from me. They're trying to bring these false witnesses saying, oh yeah, we see, we caught you, we got you. God, you saw it. You know what's going on. You know I didn't do this. Don't be silent. Lord, defend me. Help me out here. Verse 23, stir up thyself and awake to my judgment, even unto my cause, my God and my Lord. Judge me, O Lord, my God, according to thy righteousness and let them not rejoice over me. And I just want to point this out because, you know, we've gone over already the point of how Matthew 5, Jesus was saying to love your enemies, and we saw it in Romans 12. And we saw it in this passage as well, right? These passages that talk about doing good unto people, that your enemies and your adversaries and things like that. But how much of this psalm is not talking about good for the people who are wicked? And how much of the other psalms that we've been reading are not talking about good for the people who do wicked? And just the Bible as a whole, okay, keep that in mind, yes, we need to overcome evil with good. Yes, we need to be able to fight against our flesh in that way. Yes, we need to pray for people, our enemies and things like that, and people do wrong. Like in my own personal life, there's someone that's just not just an enemy to me, an adversary, that for whatever reason, I don't even know why, and it's not just me, it's other people too. It's not, you know, this isn't even just like a reason of my faith or something like that. There's just sometimes you have people in your life that are your enemies, right? And there's someone in my life that just treats me like an enemy, lying, just whatever, all kinds of different things. But I'm not just wishing all, you know, trying to curse him and things like that. I don't, because that's not an appropriate time or place in everything considering what's going on. I'm going to do good to that person. I'm going to do right by him, and I'm going to continue to try to do good, even though they're my enemy, even though they may try to persecute me or whatever and have caused bad things to happen to me. But when you have, you know, the reprobate that's trying to like get you, you know, whatever killed or trying to get your family destroyed or what, you know, setting those types of traps for you, I'm not going to be blessing those people.