(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) people where every church they go to is the problem. There's no good church in my area, I can't find any good church. Now listen, if you're living in a foreign country, yeah, that's true. I do have some people contact me and say, no, there really is no church. I live on an island, you know. Somebody told me I live on an island and there are two churches. There's the Protestant church that uses the King James and the Baptist church that uses the NIV, you know. And neither one of them is teaching salvation by grace through faith. There's only two churches, I'm on an island. Okay, you're living on an island, you know, out in the North Sea, okay, you know, you're the exception. And obviously people who live in different places in Europe and everything where it's very dark spiritually, yeah, it's possible that there's no good church for you to go to, but if you're living in the United States of America, there is a decent church for you to go to, period. And I'm tired of people saying, oh, there's no good churches. Look, there's no perfect churches. There's no unicorn Baptist church for you to go to. But honestly, there are churches where at least the people are saved and where at least the King James Bible's being preached. And yeah, it's not perfect, but it's better than nothing. And when you're sitting at home and not going to church anywhere, you have this great big beam in your eye of not going to church, of forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, which is a major sin, according to Hebrews 10. You've got this beam in your eye that you don't go to church at all, and then you're trying to remove the moat out of your brother's eye by picking apart the church that's there. People who are going to church every week, people who are going three times a week, people who are serving God faithfully in a church, God's institution, but you're gonna stand in judgment of them because of not crossing the doctrinal T and dotting the doctrinal I. When you don't even go to church at all, that is hypocrisy, my friend, because their church is better than your church because your church is no church. I mean, good night. Any church where the people are saved and where the King James Bible is being preached is better than no church. It's better than sitting at home, eating chips off your chest, and surfing the internet. Oh, this is my church. No, a church, according to the Bible, is a congregation. And people say, oh, the church is the people, not the building. Absolutely it's the people, but it's the congregation of people. The word church means congregation. It's not like, oh, we're the people, just wherever we are, floating down the river in our kayak, we're the church. Wrong. Out fishing on Sunday, we're the church. Wrong. No, it's the assembly. It's the congregation that's the church. And being in the congregation with imperfect people and an imperfect pastor is a lot better than sitting around and pontificating about how much better that you are than anybody in your whole town, or your whole city, or your whole state. Now, I'm not saying the perfect church, or even a decent church, is always gonna be a stone throw from your house, but in the United States of America, you might have to drive a little ways, but you can find a Baptist church to go to, you can find a soul-winning church to go to, and it's possible. And of course, most of the people who I'm preaching to live here, you know, some are visiting, obviously, but most of the people live here. Here's a great church for you, right here, Faithful Word Baptist Church. But you may find yourself in the future living in another place. I mean, let's face it, a lot of the people who are here tonight are gonna eventually move and be somewhere else, and then they're gonna say, well, I can't find anything as good as Faithful Word. Well, of course you can't. No, I'm just kidding. But I'm saying, you know, you're gonna be able to find a church, an independent Baptist church that's in the ballpark where you can learn something, and where you can get fellowship. Plus, some churches that even aren't maybe the greatest churches, and maybe the pastors not even preaching the greatest sermon, but you know, there's still a lot of good people in that church. And in fact, if all the best people are gonna stay home, cause no church is a good church, then the church is gonna get worse. You know, cause all the best people in their own minds are staying home, you know. Well, why don't you show up, and then the church just got a little better, cause now you're there. Oh, thou unicorn church member. And so, you know, if you're there, you can make friends, you can serve God, you can make the best of it, and you say, well I keep getting kicked out, then quit being an idiot. Because you know what, churches don't just kick you out, just, now sometimes they kick you out for no reason, but you know, when you're getting kicked out of church, after church, after church, and rarely I've heard of people who did everything right, and they still get thrown out. But honestly, it's pretty rare. Because usually, you just, you go along to get along, you don't compromise doctrinally in the sense of, you know, telling lies or anything, but you don't necessarily have to just take over and straighten everything out and straighten the pastor out. You know, if you go there with an intent to be a good influence, to serve God, to be an asset to the church, to be a blessing to that church, to get involved in the church's program, you're not gonna get thrown out.