(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Claim what's yours. So right now we're just talking about how the casino is lying to you and they cannot deliver on what they're offering to do. They're offering to help you reclaim what's yours. They're not going to help you reclaim what's yours. They're just going to take more from you and more. You are throwing good money after bad. If you go to the casino to try to reclaim what's yours. Look at Ecclesiastes chapter 5 verse 10, he that loveth silver shall not be satisfied with silver, nor he that loveth abundance with increase. This is also vanity, saying look, riches, money, winning at the casino, it's never going to satisfy you. You're always going to want more. When goods increase, they are increased that eat them. I've experienced this in my own life, about every two years or so. And what good is there to the owners thereof save the beholding of them with their eyes. So you get all these goods, you get all this money, and you have these guys that have a garage with like 10 sports cars in it. You don't have time to drive them all. You know, you've got all these possessions and what good are they but just the beholding of them with your eyes. Oh, you can look at your car, your house, your artwork, whatever. It's all vanity. It's a waste. Verse 12, on the other hand, the sleep of a laboring man is sweet, whether he eat little or much, but the abundance of the rich will not suffer him to sleep. So when you go out, and you guys that work hard, you know what I'm talking about. You work hard, and you break your back out there, and then when you get to bed at night, doesn't it feel so good to just lay in bed at night, just ah, relax, and your sleep is sweet unto you. As Daniel the prophet said, my sleep was sweet unto me. The sleep of a laboring man is like that. Whether he eats the truffles or not, he sleeps well. And you know what, that's something that money can't buy. I mean, look at Michael Jackson, right? He's got all the fame and money, but every single night, he literally had a doctor use anesthesia to put him to bed every night. You know like when you go to surgery and they anesthetize you, who's ever been put under, completely under by the doctor before, surgery or something. I just did for the first time like a year ago, or whenever that was, when my throat got operated on. And it was easy. I mean, it was just like, they're like, all right, see, you know, and it was just like, you're just gone. Michael Jackson did that every night. He had to be tranquilized to bed every night. They would literally use what they would put you under, general anesthesia, every night. And then if that's what killed him, the freak, may he rot in hell. But the point is, you know, the sleep of a laboring man is sweet and money can't buy that because the richest people have the hardest time going to sleep. And then poor people that are working hard, they sleep like a baby and you know what, there's something to be said for that. I'd rather eat some, some basic meals and bean and rice burritos and be able to sleep well at night than to eat a bunch of fancy food and toss and turn all night because sleep deprivation is one of the worst things that you can go through. The abundance of the rich will not suffer him to sleep, it says, it will not allow him to sleep. Verse 13, there's a sore evil which I've seen under the sun, namely riches kept for the owners thereof to their hurt. So money is not the answer to all your problems. In many ways, money can destroy you. How many people have won the lottery and they get destroyed? And think about how many people have been destroyed by prosperity because the Bible says the prosperity of fools shall destroy them. And so these rock stars and Hollywood stars, the more money they get, the more damage they do to themselves. They're actually better off when they had a humble means. And so it says here, riches sometimes could be kept for the owners thereof to their hurt, but those riches perish by evil travail, verse 14, and he begateth the sun and there's nothing in his hand. As he came forth of his mother's womb, naked shall he return to go as he came and shall take nothing of his labor which he may carry away in his hand. And this also is the sore evil that in all points as he came, so shall he go. And what profit hath he that had labored for the wind? All his days also he eateth in darkness and he hath much sorrow and wrath with his sickness. Sounds great, huh? Don't you just want to be rich? You know, maybe you can get a discount on one of those Donald Trump or Robert Kiyosaki books so that you can have this wonderful life being described in Ecclesiastes. Well, you know what? Count me out. I'd rather just work hard, be faithful, show up every day and sleep like a baby every night. That's the better way to live your life. Now let's go to...