(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Now here's another one that we need to emphasize that has really been on my mind lately because of events that happened at our church recently over the last several months. One thing that we must emphasize is that Jesus is the Son of God. Now that comes as a shock to me because I thought that that's just kind of a no-brainer. The Trinity, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, and that's something that we grew up just assuming that every Christian knows that, every Christian believes that. We took that doctrine for granted, but let me tell you something. We have made a mistake over the years. We believed right on the Trinity, but we did not emphasize what God emphasized. And by not emphasizing what God emphasized, we actually made an opening for the devil to get in. Because listen, the devil is looking for a weakness. That's why we need the whole armor of God. He's looking for a weakness. He wants to seek whom he may devour. He's looking for that chink in the armor. He's looking for that gap where he can get in there, and we need to stand in the gap, and we need to make up the hedge and keep false doctrine at bay because the devil is looking for a weakness, and he's ready to exploit it. Now here's why we had this problem, I believe, is that we have de-emphasized the fact that Jesus is the Son of God, and we have over-emphasized the fact that Jesus is God. Now listen, of course Jesus is God. We believe in the deity of Christ. Jesus Christ was God manifest in the flesh. He's 100% God. There are plenty of scriptures that make it crystal clear that Jesus was God in the flesh. But you know what? The Bible actually says that Jesus is the Son of God way more than it talks about him being God. Now it tells us both. We believe both. They're both true, but which one does the Bible emphasize more? There are way, way more verses emphasizing that Jesus is the Son of God. That's what's being emphasized over and over in scripture. But what have we done as fundamental Baptists, even myself included, for the last few decades is we talk about how Jesus is God 10 times as much as we mention Jesus being the Son of God, probably 100 times as much. We probably say that Jesus is God 100 times as much as we say that Jesus is the Son of God, whereas the Bible does the exact opposite by saying over and over again that he's the Son of God, Son of God, Son of God, Son of God. And so we were not emphasizing what God emphasized, and then we opened ourselves up to people coming in with this lie that says, oh, you know, there's not a trinity. It's just the oneness of God the Father is Jesus, and there's only just one person there that manifests in these three different modes. And that's where this modalist teaching comes in. It's a heresy and a false doctrine, and I don't want to preach a whole sermon about that right now. But I will say this. We need to get back to emphasizing what God emphasizes, and we need to emphasize the Trinity by emphasizing the fact that Jesus is the Son of God. Now here's why we're overemphasizing the deity of Christ and not talking enough about the fact that he's the Son of God. The reason why is because there are three people who knock doors, right? Baptists, Mormons, and Jehovah's Witnesses. I mean, who else really does any serious door knocking? The cults, the Mormons, the Jehovah's Witnesses, and then amongst true evangelical Christians is pretty much the Baptists knocking doors. So because we're the ones knocking doors and they're knocking doors, we're constantly trying to fight against them because they're the ones that we're in competition with, right, of coming to people's doors. They're teaching all the lies, and we're trying to undo the lies that they've done. So because they deny the deity of Christ as Jehovah's Witnesses, because they deny the deity of Christ as Mormons, then we're constantly reacting to that and wanting to just go on and on. No, he's God. He's God in the flesh. There's only one God, the deity of Christ, and we've gone on and on about that. But folks, in the process, we've stopped emphasizing something that needs to be emphasized, that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. You say, why does it matter? Well, there's a lot of reasons why it matters, but first of all, the Bible says that God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son. Now let me ask you this. What would show greater love if I sacrificed my own life for you or if I sacrificed my son's life for you? You know what? There are a lot of all the mothers piped up right away. Why? I mean, look, a mother knows she would give her life in a heartbeat if it would save her son's life. Every mother, at least should, and every mother will immediately say, you know, I value my son's life far more than my own life. If I had to choose to die or my son die, I would lay down my life before I laid down my son's life. See, God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son. You know that beautiful story in the Old Testament with Abraham being willing to sacrifice Isaac his son, and that's a picture of God the Father being willing to sacrifice his son for us on the cross. That's the gospel, but we don't talk about that. We don't emphasize that, and then these crazy doctrines come in of, oh, you know, the oneness of God, and it's just one person, and the name of the Father is Jesus, and God the Father died on the cross for us, and all this crazy stuff. And you say, why does it matter? I'll tell you why it matters. Because when Jesus was on the cross, he said, my God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me? Who's he talking to? See, if you believe in the Trinity, that's the Son saying to the Father, my God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me? And that makes sense, but if you don't believe in the Trinity, if you believe in this modalism garbage, this oneness doctrine, then when you have Jesus saying, my God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me? You know what you have? You have a human being on the cross being forsaken by God, and then you have a Jesus dying on the cross for you who's not God, who's just a man, who's just a human because God has forsaken him, because that's what they distinguish between. The man Christ Jesus and Jesus as God. Oh, that's just the man. That's just the man that's being forsaken by God. Well, then you have a man there. So this is like a underhanded attack on the deity of Christ anyway once you really flesh it all out. And it leads to a lot of other dark places when you go down that path. But all that to say this, we need to emphasize the fact that Jesus Christ is the Son of God because that's something that you find hundreds of times in the New Testament. Are there verses that teach he's God? Absolutely. Plenty. But there are 10 times as many that say he's the Son of God. So why don't we let that start rolling off our tongue more? That way our children and our converts and people don't get carried about with every wind of false doctrine and carried off into these lies and heresies of the oneness Pentecostal movement, modalism, other end times, heresies. Let's emphasize what God emphasized. You know, just on Wednesday night I was preaching from Luke chapter 2, the famous Christmas passage and just in that one chapter it said that Jesus is a Savior which is Christ the Lord and in the same passage it said the Lord's Christ. You see that? The Lord's Christ and Christ the Lord. Why? He's the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Ghost. These three witnesses, the Father, Son, and the Holy Ghost, make up one God and we need to make sure that we teach that. Hey, John 1-1 brings it up right away. He was with God and he was God. Let's not just go on and on about he was God and ignore the fact that he was with God. Yes, he's Christ the Lord, but he's also the Lord's Christ. We need to teach the Trinity. We need to believe that. We need to emphasize what God emphasized.