(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) A building is never, in the whole Bible, referred to as a church. Never. Never will you find one mission, because a church is an assembly of people. I had a friend in Bible college. He wasn't really a friend, he was more of an acquaintance. And I had this buddy in Bible college, and he went to a certain state to go start a church. Well, another good friend of mine, this was more of a close friend, was living in that same state where this guy was coming to start a church. And so he said, you know what I think I'm going to do, eventually I'm going to start a church myself. But he said, I think I'm going to help him as he starts this church. You know, it would be great. I said, well, that sounds like a great idea. Because I knew this guy, and I liked him, and he seemed like a great guy. I said, hey, that would be a great idea. You could go to his church in these early days and help him get started. Well, a couple months went by. And I called up my close friend, and I said, how are things going, man? How's that church going? That's exciting, you know. How's it going? Well, he hasn't started yet. And I was like, okay, you know. I mean, he went to the four years of Bible college. He got the degree, and he moved to this town. He went there to start a church. I said, what's the hang? I thought you guys were going to be telling me how great things were going. What happened? And he said, well, I was wondering the same thing myself. He said, I wanted to help this guy and be with him, but he just doesn't seem to be starting it because this is what he was doing. He said he's just been going around for the last couple months trying to find a building. Trying to find a place to meet, you know. We're just trying to find the right building, and so he just hasn't started it yet. And I'm thinking to myself, good night. What do you need a building for? You don't have any people. You don't have one. It's you and your wife and your two kids or whatever. Hey, what do you need a building for? What do you need some giant auditorium for when there's four people there? Okay, you say, well, no, it's just going to grow right away. It's going to be huge. Hey, churches like this don't grow overnight, okay. No church like this anywhere grows overnight. Hey, Rome wasn't built in a day, and you're not going to build an independent, fundamental Baptist church overnight. Now, if you want to build some liberal church, you can build that overnight. All you've got to do is bring in a Christian rock band and bring in Amy Glunt and Sandy Fatty, and you can get a big crowd together and everybody's swaying and jiving and jamming for Jesus. Hey, but if you're going to build a church that's built on preaching the Bible, that's built on right and wrong, hot and cold, on and off, hey, if you're going to build that kind of a church, it's going to take work and sweat and tears. It's going to take God, and it's not going to happen overnight.