(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) And when they'd come into the house, they saw the young child with Mary, his mother, and fell down and worshipped him. And when they'd opened their treasures, they presented unto him gifts, gold, and frankincense, and myrrh. So what do you have in this story? Two different sets of scholars. Because the wise men are scholars. I mean, these are very intelligent, learned, intellectual men. I mean, look, most of us, if a star appeared, we wouldn't even notice. We go outside and look at a bunch of stars, we wouldn't notice a new star. The reason that these guys noticed a new star is because they're looking at the sky every single night. They're charting the stars. They're charting the constellations, the heavens. They're watching the movement of the stars and planets, and they look up and say, What is this? Something new. They notice this. These are very intellectual, learned, that's why they're called wise men. Okay, these men are full time in their learning and education, right? Because guys like Darius and Cyrus, you know, they had guys like this around. Wise men, counselors, people who studied that could basically give them understanding and knowledge. And then Herod, he's got his wise men too, right? Because who does he gather together? He gathers together all the chief priests and scribes of the people. What are scribes? I mean, these are guys that are spending their time copying texts. You know, they don't have a copy machine or a printing press, so the scribes are just copying texts. They're copying the Bible. They're copying texts. They're making books. These men are scholars. These men are intellectual. These men are intelligent. Let me explain something to you. Being intelligent, being an intellectual, being a scholar does not mean that you actually have wisdom or that you actually love the Lord. Look, there are a lot of Bible scholars out there. There are a lot of theologians out there who don't love the Lord. They're with Herod. They're troubled with Herod. And then you have other intellectuals and scholars who do love the Lord and they're willing to drop everything, leave everything behind, take a dangerous, long journey over More and Mountain, amen? And go through all this and bring these super expensive gifts and search and spend literally years searching. Why? Because Herod killed the children from two years old and under. That means, and remember that was based on when the star appeared. So the star has appeared what? Two years ago. So basically, or somewhere thereabouts because obviously it's rounded to the year. So therefore, when they come to Jesus, they find the young child with Mary, his mother, not the babe. The shepherds come and find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes and laying in a manger. But the wise men, they come and find the young child because a few years have come. These men spent years of their life taking basically the trip of their lives, a trip that very few people made in those days from very far away. They came, and what did Jesus say? Many shall come from the east and west and shall sit down with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob in the kingdom of heaven. But the children of the kingdom of Israel shall be cast out into outer darkness. There shall be weeping and ashing of teeth. So you have two types of scholarship here. You have a scholarship that loves the Lord. You have the intelligent study that loves the Lord, worships the Lord, and is willing to sacrifice everything to serve the Lord. And then you have the scholarship of the haters of the Lord. But they study the Bible too. Yeah, you know why he inquired of them about scripture? You know why he wanted to know the Bible? He wanted to know the Bible so he could destroy Jesus. Think about that. Why did Herod want to know what the Bible says? So he could figure out how to kill Jesus, how to destroy Jesus, how to fight against the Lord. There are people out there who spend time studying the Bible only to be enemies of God, only to fight against the Gospel, only to destroy Jesus. And then there are people who sincerely study scripture and learn so that they might worship the Lord and serve the Lord. So that's what we see here. We see the wise men and we see the scribes. Okay, but then we see Jerusalem.