(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) you know and let me ask you this are you are you one of the people that's winning somebody the Lord every year and I mean obviously there are a lot of people in our church who win somebody Lord almost every week because why you say why are certain people winning somebody Lord every week because they're actually out putting in the most hours of doing it you know the people that are having people saved on a monthly basis it's because they're out soul winning a lot in the course of that month and the people that even bring forth in a year it's because they're putting in time and you know it doesn't always happen after just an hour two hours three hours you have to with patience go out there and bring forth fruit and go out there week after week after week and keep doing it look somebody is dropping the ball big time in Phoenix Arizona I bet there are a whole bunch of independent Baptist churches that are dropping the ball not doing the soul winning there are people in our church that that look they're a withered branch and let me tell you something tonight I'm preaching this sermon for a couple reasons number one is because we need to be fruitful as Christians in order to glorify the Lord and what he said here it is my father glorified that you bring forth much fruit so shall you be my disciples you want to glorify God be a soul winner number two people are dying and going to hell out there we need to be a soul winner so winning works anybody who says it doesn't work doesn't understand math and doesn't understand the Bible and is just not willing to go out there and roll up their sleeves and do the work because it's hard work why am I preaching this tonight a third reason not only because we want to glorify the Lord and obey him not only because of the fact that you know people are dying going to hell and soul winning is the answer to get them the gospel but thirdly because if you do not participate in bringing forth fruit you are in danger of falling away and I'm not saying you're gonna lose yourself you can't lose your salvation it's by faith it's eternal life you shall never perish but you are in danger of getting backslidden and quitting the church and washing up and you may not even be here a few years from now you say well I'm here now I'm an active member of the church I don't go soul winning but I am an active member of the church you know what I hope you stay for as long as possible but honestly I'm predicting that if you never get out soul winning you're I'm predicting you're gonna fall away you know I mean you got to have some soul winning in your life