(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) A lot of people will, for example, look at end times prophecy of the book of Revelation. And when we look at it, we pretty much see that certain things are going to happen. Look, is there any way to stop there from being a one world government? Is there any way to stop the anti-Christ from taking power and all nations worshiping him? Is there any way to stop all of these persecutions that are going to take place in the tribulation? No, there's nothing you can do to change it. It's set in stone. It's been prophesied. What does that mean? We're just helpless. We sit back. We do nothing because whatever's going to happen is going to happen. Sit back and enjoy the ride. Even so, come Lord Jesus. No, because it affects you and the people around you, how you live your life. You see, broad is the way that leads to destruction and many there be which go in there at because straight is the gate and narrow is the way which leads to life and few there be that find it. And there's nothing you or I can do to change that, is there? We can't go out and win so many souls that 51% of the people in this world are saved. And we're like, it's no longer the narrow way, it's the broad way because we did so much soul winning that we actually tipped the scale. Now 51% of people in the world are saved. You and I know that's never going to happen, but does that mean what's the use? No, because the point is that even though this whole world by and large is going to hell in a hand basket, our area doesn't have to be that way. So in our area we can make a difference, in our city we can get people saved, we can pull people out of the fire, and we can make a difference for us and our loved ones. He says to Esther, if you miss God's calling, if you don't do God's will for your life, he's saying on the grand scheme of things the Jews are still going to be saved, God will bring deliverance from another place, but he says, wait a minute, you and your father's house will be destroyed. So our actions affect us, and they affect the people around us. They affect our spouse, our children, maybe even our parents and siblings, our friends, our church members, they affect the people around us. And it's not just all four ordained, well you know, certain people are going to get saved, certain people are going to be damned. No, the soul winning that you did today or earlier this week or that you're going to do this week, that soul winning is changing people's destination. It's changing their eternal destination from hell to heaven. And it's not just, well those people would have got saved, God would have just found another way. You know, I wish it were that easy for God to just find a way for people to hear the Gospel clearly presented to them. Oh, he'll just find another way. Really? Because there aren't a lot of people going out and doing it anymore. We need to do it, and we need to encourage other churches to do it, and we need to be on the front lines, and we need to be, you know, right there in the battle because of the fact that it's not this thing of God's will is going to happen, just this fatalistic, whatever will be will be. No, on a grand scale, yes, but so what? Who do you care the most about? Your family? Who do you care the most about? People that you actually know and see with your eyes, your friends, your loved ones?