(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) The first thing you notice when you pick up the Quran and look at it is the way it's arranged. They mixed up all the chapters and they arranged it from longest to shortest. I mean, look, the thing is hard to read because it just jumps all over, it makes no sense. There's no coherent story to it, there's no narrative. I mean, you read the Bible, it makes sense, you know, God creates the world, then people are born, then they have kids, and then there's a flood, there's a story, you can actually follow the story. Or you open up the New Testament, you know, there's a genealogy, Jesus is born, we go through Jesus' life, his miracles, his preaching, he gets arrested, he dies. Imagine jumbling up the Bible and putting it from longest to shortest. So you start out, it's like Psalm 119, and then say you turn to Luke 1, you know, that's a long chapter, right, 80 verses, you go to Luke 1 and you're reading about the birth of John the Baptist. You know, you're reading about John the Baptist, everything, and then you're just kind of excited for the birth of Christ, and boom, you're in Mark 14. You know, you're already getting into Jesus' betrayal, and whoa, this guy hasn't even been born yet. You know, then you're back in Numbers, chapter 7, Leviticus 13, you know, hey, let's go to Jeremiah 51, read about Babylon, John chapter 6, Jesus feeding the 5,000, you know, I mean, it would just be crazy, it would just be all over the place. And look, that would still be way better than the Quran, because at least each chapter would be awesome. At least each chapter would stand alone. But it's crazy the way the thing is just like, oh, long is too short, and that's the order that all of them have in it. It's craziness. I mean, who was the idiot that came up with arranging it that way? Hey, I got an idea. Let's get these long ones over with, let's just bite the bullet. And then at the end, you know, we've got to wind down with some real short chapters. What kind of ridiculous idea was that? Who came up with that one?