(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Well, if you love people, you don't want them to go to hell when they die. You want to get them saved. You want to pull them out of the fire, hating even the garment, spotted by the flesh. And today our churches have become very weak on soul winning, very weak on soul. They have lost their first love and they claim that we're hateful and we're a hate group. But you know what? The proof that we have the first love is that we do the first works. My little children, let us not love in word, neither in tongue, but in deed and in truth. How do you get the first love back? Did he say do the first love? He said do the first works. And today we need to love in deed. We need to love in truth. How can the Baptist Church down the street claim to be a loving place? How can they send out a flyer that says you've never been so loved when they won't even come to your door and give you the gospel? They'll let the whole city go to hell. They'll let the whole neighborhood go to hell. They'll let the whole state go to hell. Why? Because they lack love, that's why. They don't love the law. And if they love Christ, they'd keep his commandment and his last words would be their first priority to go out and get the gospel to every creature. That's what's wrong with our churches today. You want to know what's wrong with the IFB movement, the Independent Fundamental Baptist is that they have gone soft on soul winning. They have watered it down. It's become a flyer or a door hanger or visitation. It's being scaled back. It's not being ramped up as we see the day approaching.