(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Let's keep reading here. The Bible says in verse 14, and God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night, and let them be for signs and for seasons and for days and years, and let them be for lights in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth. And God made two great lights, the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night. He made the stars also, and God set them in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth, and to rule over the day and over the night, and to divide the light from the darkness, and God saw that it was good, and the evening and the morning were the fourth day. Now, notice the Bible says that God made two great lights, the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night. He made the stars also. So he does not name the sun and the moon. He just says the greater light and the lesser light. Obviously, he's talking about the sun and the moon. But what we see here is that the greater light rules the day, the lesser light rules the night, but we know that the moon is out in the daytime just as often as it is at night, right? We see the moon in the daytime frequently. You just have to be looking for it. You just have to be paying attention to see the moon in the daytime. Now, a lot of people will take what the Bible says and twist it, and then they do come up with things that are unscientific. But it's not because the Bible is unscientific or that the Bible conflicts with science. It's rather that their interpretation or their philosophy of what the Bible says is in conflict with reality. And look, whenever your understanding of the Bible comes into conflict with reality, you should probably revisit your understanding of Scripture and make sure you're understanding it right because the Bible should never conflict with reality. I mean, if the Bible is true and reality is real, then they should both match. I know that sounds basic, but that's important to understand. So there are people out there that would say, well, the moon, I read Genesis 1, and they'll say the moon is its own source of light. Who's heard these flat earthers say the moon is its own source of light? Is that what this says? I mean, does this verse say, and God made the moon to be its own source of light? It doesn't say that. It just says God made two great lights. Now, we know that in reality, the moon is simply reflecting the light of the sun. The moon reflects the light of the sun. The moon is not its own light source. It's not lit up in the sky because it's glowing, but rather because it's reflecting light from the sun. Now, here's the thing. All you have to do, you don't have to trust NASA or whatever. All you have to do is go outside with a pair of binoculars and look at the moon. The binoculars, and you'll see mountains and craters on the moon. And you'll also see shadows on the moon. Well, if something is a light source, it's not going to have shadows on it. And what about the phases of the moon? That's a big shadow on it. So don't buy into that kind of nonsense and ridiculous teaching that, oh, the moon is its own light source. Actually, if we study scripture in the fullest and we understand the sun and the moon, the sun and the moon pictures the husband and the wife. And let me explain this. If you remember, Joseph had a dream about the sun and the moon and the eleven stars bowing down to him. And that represented the sun was his dad, the moon was his mom, and the eleven stars were his eleven brethren. And so the sun and the moon there are representing a man and his wife. Well, here's the thing. The Bible talks about, in the New Testament, the glory of the sun, the glory of one star or another. Because the word glory means, in its most literal sense, like brightness or shining. Okay, glory, obviously we use it symbolically like, you know, he's in it for the glory of it or to the glory of God. But the literal glory is brightness or shining. So when God talks about different stars differing in glory, he's saying some stars are brighter than others, right? But here's what the Bible says about the husband and the wife. It says in 1 Corinthians chapter 11, in fact let's go there, keep your finger in Genesis 1, let's go to 1 Corinthians 11 to see this. But it says in 1 Corinthians chapter 11 verse 7, For a man indeed ought not to cover his head for as much as he is the image and glory of God. And look at the end of verse 7. But the woman is the glory of the man. Does everybody see that? The woman is the glory of the man. So again, if we take that figure or symbolism of the son being the husband and the moon being the wife, what does the Bible say? The woman is the glory of the man. Basically the moon, when we look at the moon and we see that glory, it's actually the glory of the sun. It's actually the brightness of the sun being reflected from the moon. And also the Bible talks about the sun ruling by day and the moon ruling by night. Think about this, in the absence of the sun, the moon is ruling. But when the sun is present, the moon is no longer ruling. Now the sun isn't ruling. That's why most people don't even notice the moon when the sun's out. They only notice the moon at night. Unless they're just really looking for the moon and want to see it. So here's the point. If you think about how the home works, how the family works, when dad is home, he's the boss. But when dad is not home, who's the boss? Mom is the boss. And think about it. Most of us husbands are going to be gone a lot. Because you're going to work for eight hours a day at least. And you're out of the house doing work. So most of the time, who is ruling the home? It's actually the wife who is doing the ruling. But when dad shows up, now dad's in charge. Because we strongly believe that the husband is the head of the wife and that wives are to be obedient to their husbands. That's what the Bible says. I don't care what feminism says. The husband's the head of household and he's in charge. But when he's gone, who's in charge? Do the kids just take over and do what they want? No. Mom has absolute power when dad is gone. And then when dad shows up, he's in charge now. So this is actually a beautiful picture of that. So don't tell me, well the Bible teaches the moon its own light. No it doesn't. It doesn't say anything like that. And if we actually study more scripture and start connecting the dots and comparing scripture with scripture, we see that the way the Bible uses the sun and the moon as illustrations actually fits perfectly with what's happening in the real world where we have the moon reflecting light from the sun.