(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) So, we need to make sure that we use the right words when we talk about salvation or else people will become confused. When we start saying, make a commitment to Christ, give your life unto Christ, or this term that has brought more confusion than anything into Baptist circles, repent of your sins to be saved. And nobody even knows what it means. You talk to 10 different people, you get 10 different definitions, but here's the thing about that phrase, repent of your sins, it's never found in the Bible. Now, of course, the Bible talks a lot about repentance, but repentance in the Bible is simply turning or changing, and it has to do with the context, what's changing, okay? For example, when God repents, he's not repenting of a sin because God doesn't have any sin. God is perfect in every way. Yet the Bible records God repenting more than anyone else in the whole Bible. He frequently repents in the Bible. What is he changing? Is he changing who he is? No. Is he changing his character, his nature? No. God said, I change not. But what he does change is his course of action, where he says, I was going to do one thing, but then you did this, so now I'm changing courses, and now I'm going to do this. So God will change his course or direction based upon man. He's going to destroy Nineveh, but then when they turn unto the Lord, he says, okay, I'm going to repent from that. I'm not going to destroy Nineveh any longer, okay? All throughout the Bible, people are told to repent. Unsaved people are told to repent. Saved people are told to repent. The church at Laodicea was told to repent of being lukewarm. He said, be zealous and repent. Get excited. Don't be lukewarm. Don't be dead. Over and over again. So in order to know what is being repented of, you must know the context, whether it's repenting of going to the Promised Land, where God said, oh, if they're on their way to the Promised Land and they go through the Land of the Philistines, when they see war, they might repent and go back to Egypt. They might turn around and go back to Egypt. Context is where we understand what repent means. But nowhere does the Bible teach that you have to repent of your sins to be saved. The Bible tells Christians to repent of their sins, but it never uses the term repent of your sins. He tells them, you know, repent of being lukewarm, repent of wickedness or whatever. But the bottom line is, when it comes to salvation, because salvation is 100% by faith, as many scriptures testify, the obvious question is, well, what do you have to turn from to be saved or what needs to change in order for you to be saved? Is it your lifestyle that has to change or is it your beliefs that have to change? So when the Bible says in Mark 1, 15, repent and believe the gospel, he's not saying clean up your life and believe the gospel. No, he's saying you need to change from not believing the gospel to believing the gospel. Or you need to turn from your dead works or your dead religion or your false gods and turn to the true and living God. The turning that's taking place there is based upon what you believe. That's what needs to change. Because if we had to change our lives around to be saved, then that would be a salvation by works. Because the Bible says in Jonah 3, 10, and God saw their works that they turned from their evil way. And God repented of the evil that he had said that he would do unto them and he did it not. So when we use these terms like, oh, repent of your sins to be saved, and then you ask people, what does that mean? And some people say, oh, it just means admit you're a sinner. But that's not what it means to repent. Repent means to turn to change. So if you have to repent from your sins to be saved, then that would be like you had to stop sinning to be saved. And then when you call these people on the carpet and saying, are you saying that we have to stop sinning to be saved? Well, you don't really have to stop sinning, but you just have to kind of be willing to maybe stop sinning at some point in the future, sort of. You're like, what? And they bring in all this confusion instead of just giving what the Bible teaches, which is just, look, believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved, that whosoever believeth the name should not perish. It's not of works. It's not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to his mercy he saved us by the washing of regeneration and renewing of the Holy Ghost. But it says, for all have sinned and come short of the glory of God, being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus. Be found in him, Paul said, not having my own righteousness, but that which is through the faith of Christ, the righteousness which is of God by faith. The Bible tells us over and over again that it's by faith.