(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Great example of this is missionaries. Actually, I'm sorry. A horrible example is a missionary is what I meant to say Missionaries because they go around and I'm not against missionaries, you know, we support some missionaries I've known some really good missionaries that are doing a great work for God and other countries and so forth, but These missionaries I'll tell you what they are willing to lie and deceive Because of the fact that they're trying to be supported by so many churches And In case you're newer to church, or maybe you're you haven't been saved for that long You don't really know much about how this works Missionaries to foreign countries often go from church to church to church to church and they're raising money for support You know, so one church will give them 50 bucks a month or 100 bucks a month or 200 bucks a month So they go to all these different churches In order to raise the support and then once they have enough support for like a full-time pay Check and their expenses then they'll go to that foreign country and then they're getting the support from the countries in the United States Well a lot of these missionaries They don't care who they're getting their support from So they don't go around and these these churches will put them in the pulpit and have them preach But they won't preach what they really believe Because they preach everything they believe and some people are not going to like it and we're going to disagree So they kind of want to just become all things to all men And kind of just when they're in this crowd They're gonna go with this way and when they get another crowd, it's gonna be what they want to hear yeah, we had a guy exactly like this come through one time and This guy came through and he was one of these amen. Praise the Lord. Hallelujah guys Like just you know blame him brother, you know, just every word out his mouth is like hey man. Yes So You know, I walk up to this guy. Oh, yeah, you know missionary You know, he's going to this, you know place and I said to him I said hey you guys do soul-witting You go door-to-door soul-witting and I've had this and look I've had this same conversation I'm not to relate with you with a lot of people Now the names have been changed This story that I'm telling you right now is an exact true real-life story But literally I've had probably ten other stories that are almost identical to this that I couldn't tell I'm just telling the most recent one. So I walk up this guy said hey I said so you guys do a soul-witting like door-to-door soul-witting. Yes, brother. We believe in soul-witting, you know And I said I said, okay, I said great. I Said so when you go soul-witting, what do you what do you do? What do you tell people like when you knock on somebody's door? What do you say to them? Well This is something you're doing all the time, wouldn't you know I know it. He's like, oh well, he's like It's different with everybody Kind of build a relationship with that person It's like I don't know about you, but I I don't usually have people coming to my front door and knock on it and building a relationship with me It's kind of not really the place to build a long-lasting deep friendship with somebody, you know They're probably have other things going on. So you might as well just cut to the chase Yeah, and give them the gospel if that's what you're there to do You know preaching the gospel not just talk about the tulip garden all day or whatever to build a relationship But anyway, he said, you know, it's different with everybody. I said well give me an example And I said, okay. I said let's do this. I said I'm I'm the unsafe person You just knocked on my door You just asked me if I know for sure I'm going to heaven and I say no I don't What now? The guy literally started shaking I Didn't know what to say Well, he's doing a ton of people leaves this whole way Yeah, you know this all right, and then he then he finally he pulls out a tract Trembling and just begins to read for me verbatim off the track like not saying it just reading it verbatim Well, this guy's doing a ton of soy then he gets down to the end of the track It's saying how to be saved. You have to repent of your sins Okay, which is look I don't know about you but the Bible says believe on the Lord Jesus Christ The Bible says what must I do to be saved and they said believe on the Lord Jesus Christ Now shall be saved in my life. Look if you have to repent of your sins to be saved. Good luck with that Let me know once you've repented of all your sins Okay, and then you'll be and then we'll call you Jesus because that's the only man who's ever walked on this earth who repetitive all Of sins right who lived a perfect life Nobody is without sin. Okay, and they say well, it's not being without sin. You just have to be willing to stop sinning Well, how willing do you have to be so willing that you will or just willing to will will okay? It's just this made-up stuff. I mean the Bible is so clear for my grace Are you saved through faith and that none of yourselves it is the gift of God not of works Let's any man should boast but if I'm giving a gift I if I sit there and say to you Hey, I'm gonna give you this gift. Okay, but you know some of the things that you do you're gonna need to stop doing that stuff And I'm not saying you have to stop right now, but you have to tell me that you're willing to stop doing that stuff It's not a gift But what if I said hey, I'm giving you this Bible as a gift you believe me take it if you believe me take it There you go. I paid for it. It's free. That's what salvation is. It's a free gift This guy's like repent of your sins. I'm like I said, what does that mean? Because I was pretending to be the unstable because he asked me if I knew for sure I said I have no idea, you know, cuz I'm playing the role-play And so I said what does that mean to repent of your sins? And he said well, he's got a turn from it forsakes him I'm like have you forsaken all sin? Oh Oh Well, I don't know He got all twisted up down confused doesn't know what he's talking about You say oh you give the guy a break. No, I won't give him a break He's a preacher claiming to be a pastor and a preacher He wants people to give him money so he can claim that he's going to some country somewhere far away And you know why he's going so far away because it's dark there. Yeah, right because the people in America I don't know what he's doing They don't know that he's not really so any days a liar that he's never knocked the door in his life Or if he did, he probably just handed him the track or talked about the tulips with them He did not do real so any so he wants to get really far away from Everybody's watchful eye and that's why people who won't do so many here. They won't do it there If you won't do it when people are around your debts are not going to do it when nobody's around and so it's dishonest And so this guy he begins to Haman Hall doesn't know what he's talking about And he's saying you got to turn from your sin, you know forsake sin, that's work salvation That's working your way to heaven if you have to forsake your sins and turn over to leave and live the Bible says believe so anyway, I Say don't might say well I don't agree with that at all and I said let me show you what the Bible says and I show them all these scriptures How that's work salvation like where Jonah said or God said about Jonah and God saw their works in verse chapter 3 verse 10 That they turned from their evil way so I said see right there It says the turning from your evil way is works here It says keeping the law is the works of the flesh the works of the law like obeying the Ten Commandments That's works and the Bible says salvation not works. And here's what he said. Oh I agree with you And here's what he said, I hope you don't misunderstand what I said earlier You Know like like I thought you have to like turn from your sins to be saved. I Was just saying you should do that after you're saved I took the paper out of his hand a little track video for his little script Right here How to be saved it says we can of your sins and it says you have to turn from your sins and Then it says you you believe on Christ to be saved. I Said your name is at the bottom of this He was the author of the track I said you wrote this This came out of your heart and he's like, oh, but I would have explained to people that that's not really what it meant and I said I Said you know what? He said I don't and he's kept getting reiterated to me I don't want you to misunderstand what I said earlier. I Don't think you have to do and I said, you know what I do misunderstand what you said earlier And I said, you know what I think is happening right now. I Think that as soon as you found out I didn't disagree with you. You're just pretending to or that I disagree with you You're just pretending to believe something else Because everywhere you go you tell people what they want to hear I Can't believe you were so rude to him. I can't believe that he would come in here and lie to my face And call himself a man of God. He's a joke And I'm sick of it today I am sick of it and look if God said to buy as an abomination if it makes God mad if it's what God hates When people just lie to your face Why am I supposed to like it when people lie to my face in the name of the gospel? You know, he comes in and starts to lie to me and why is he here for money? What's financial support? He's gonna lie to me to get my