(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Chapter 19 verse 15, the Bible reads, Slothfulness casteth into a deep sleep, and an idle soul shall suffer hunger. And again, I understand that sometimes people are legitimately down on their luck. I understand that people go through hard times, but you know, we can't escape from it or hide from it. Throughout the book of Proverbs, he tells us that a lot of people are poor and lacking because they're lazy. I'm not saying everybody who's poor is lazy. I'm not saying everybody who lacks is lazy, but am I making this up or is Proverbs associating poverty and hunger and lack with those who are not working hard? And this is the third time it's come up. So everybody who's poor is not just a victim. Everybody who lacks is not just lacking because things didn't go their way. No, a lot of it is because they didn't make the sacrifices that other people made. You know, when you're lazy, you don't always see it. You don't always understand what people that work hard go through to work hard. You think it's just easy for them. You know, how many times have you worked all night? How many times have you worked for 30 hours straight? How many times have you skipped meals to work? How many times have you skipped a night of sleep to work? How many times have you worked and you're hyperventilating and you're sweating and you're struggling and you're toiling and you work a double shift and you work a triple shift and you went down there and you got the job done? That's what people do that succeed and people who don't succeed, they just basically do the minimum. You know, they want to clock in at 859 and 59 seconds. They want to clock out at 5 o'clock and 1 second. They want to take every break and they want to savor it and then they want to take extra breaks to go smoke. You know, they want to take their 215s and their 30 minute break, but then they're taking a bunch of additional smoke breaks. That just have nothing, you know, just total, just time wasted from getting your job done and you know, people who are chain smokers and have to smoke every hour. I mean that's just, every hour, you got to go out, you got to smoke, you got to take it easy, you got to take a break. And then while they're working, they're going slow. They're chit-chatting, they're slow, they're tired, and then they're doing this a lot too. Sighing, or how about this, yawning, sighing, tired. You're not working very intensely if you're making those kind of gestures. You know, get serious about working and you'll bear rule. You'll have the bread that you need.