(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) In Luke chapter 12 verse 15 the Bible says he said unto them take heed and beware of covetousness for a man's life consisteth not in the abundance of the things which he possesseth and he spake a parable unto them saying the ground of a certain rich man brought forth plentifully and he thought within himself saying what shall I do because I have no room where to bestow my fruits you know here's what you should do farm less you know it's like or you know do some kind of philanthropy or some help people or something you know what am I going to do I have so much money I have so much food I don't even know where to put it all what do I do I know what I'll do get a bigger barn build a second barn to just stockpile more and more there's only so much food that you can eat there's only so much food you can put down your throat my friend I mean think about this you know I saw I don't even know how I saw this but I think somebody posted to Facebook or something I saw a news article this week about an actress Scarlett Johansson suing Disney because she was in a movie recently and instead of just releasing the movie just at the theater they released it on the theater and Disney Plus at the same time so she's suing them saying that's not fair you're supposed to do it in the theater alone and then Disney Plus later because she's like part of my paycheck is based on how much money is made at the theater so you know I want to be just at the theater obviously you know I mean I don't think theaters are doing very well right now okay because of the whole COVID and the fact that there's just so much junk to watch online for free you don't have to pay to watch the junk that Hollywood's putting out it's all free now so you know these greedy actors and actresses are whining and complaining so then Disney's response was well you've already been paid twenty million dollars just for this one movie they said you've already made twenty million and what I mean that's a lot of money and I mean this woman has been in a bunch of movies and she already got paid twenty million dollars for this movie and she's like suing them suing her employer or whatever I don't know whatever that relationship is considered suing this company like how dare you you know only pay me twenty million dollars and then it didn't stay at the theater long enough or something I mean can you imagine the greed I mean how much money does this woman have I mean I'm assuming if she got paid twenty million just for this one movie she's probably got like a hundred million dollars or something or fifty million dollars or two hundred million dollars you couldn't even spend that much money in your whole life how do you even spend that much money I mean think about it like what I mean how much money would you have to spend every day I mean think about this if you're spending every day let's say you're let's do a little math you guys want to do a little math say you're just spending like a thousand dollars every day just thousand bucks every day on Monday I spend a thousand Tuesday I spend a thousand Wednesday I spend a thousand Thursday I spend a thousand that's a lot of money I mean for me like I can't imagine like trying to figure out it'd be stressful to me like how am I gonna spend my thousand dollars today if somebody's like you gotta spend a thousand dollars every day I'd be like that's a lot that's three hundred sixty five thousand dollars a year that's like that's a lot of money to spend I mean a thousand bucks every day right some of you are like I think I could do it you know because you're greedy you covetous materialistic person you know to me it sounds like a lot three hundred sixty five thousand bucks thousand dollars every day right think about this okay so just just to kind of simplify the math a little bit just to kind of simplify the math you know that means like every three years you're spending like a million bucks right so basically every three years you're spending one million bucks it would take like sixty years just to spend the money from that one movie like you see what I'm saying like just one movie and if you're not getting any interest or anything it's been like 60 years because you're spending a thousand dollars every single day you know I mean this is just how I think I'm just thinking to myself like that's an incredible amount of money you know and and if and if let's say she has a hundred million dollars which she probably does I didn't research her portfolio or whatever you know assuming she has like a hundred million dollars or something I mean how long is gonna take to spend that 300 years of spending a thousand dollars every single day and it's like meanwhile you know other people are just kind of like struggling to get by and just you know they're just kind of living paycheck to paycheck and people are tightening their belts and making sacrifices and you know they took a pay cut here and you know they're just they're thrilled if they can just make you know a thousand dollars you know a week or something you know they're like yeah or two thousand bucks a week great two thousand bucks a week right she's making 20 million like how long did it take her to make this movie I mean how long does it take for a Hollywood actor to make a movie let's just say it took her six months right I mean don't you think it probably took less than that who knows about these things any Hollywood people out there today I mean it took what six months to make the movie by the time she you know maybe prepared herself for the part you know and I'm sure these movies are real intelligent it's some comic book movie it's some Marvel comic movie so I don't think she had to really immerse herself in literature to really like understand the part or something she basically had to read a few comic books okay so giving her time to read the comic books so she's got to read some comic books you know go to the gym every day and you know eat a bunch of brown rice and vegetables and have some personal trainer make her super skinny get all muscle bound or whatever so she can be this skinny muscular chick beating up dudes in a in a comic book movie but by the time she does all that learns her lines and then the filming of the movie probably takes two months what's that so the thank you man I love technology the the movie was filmed in 87 days so therefore I think six months is is you know probably accurate of just kind of the whole the whole process from her perspective she's probably got to come back and do some voiceover and whatever let's just say it took a year twenty million dollars for a year of your life a year of your work you know most of us that's probably how much we'll make like we won't even make that much in our entire lives I mean think about that we'd make like a fraction of that we'd make like a small fraction of that in our entire life she spends 87 days filming little extra time reading comic books and working out at the gym and starving herself and it's just like all she can think about instead of just thinking about the fact and I maybe you can google this too since you're helping me out I thought I saw somewhere that she's like the highest paid actress in the world right now or something she has a hundred and sixty five million dollars that's her net worth a hundred and sixty five million dollars so forget spending a thousand dollars a day she could spend like eight thousand dollars a day right she gets paid eight thousand dollars a day it'll still take her sixty years to spend it all eight grand every day think about how much money that is eight grand a day it's just it's just stupid it's like ah you're not paying me and I'm out you know you know what that shows me it shows me you think she gives a rip about the fans oh you love Scarlett Johansson so much and you want her autograph so much and you want to go meet her she doesn't give a rip about you she doesn't care about you she doesn't care about she doesn't care about the fans she's not saying like oh wonderful my fans can now rot their brain on my stupid brainless movie on Disney Plus instead of having to go to the theater it's just like where's my money I want more money best paid actress in Hollywood that's not enough hundred and sixty five million dollars that's not enough she's literally Hitler is what I'm saying no I'm just kidding just kidding all right now I see now I'm getting excessive see I see the tendency to go to excess it just you you just saw it happen but folks I mean I'm sorry but you know what a rotten person what a rotten person especially because you know think about the fact that you know I mean I could go on and on but it's like all the junk of kovid like kovid's been kind of a pain in a lot of people's neck over the last year and a half don't think kovid is in inconvenience a lot of people you know let alone all the people that got sick and died but oh the inconvenience but what about the fact that people who got sick they died and then plus a lot of people were inconvenienced it messed up their job or messed up their schooling or it messed up whatever their wedding plans it messed up travel plans it messed up the mission strips it messed up all this stuff right and it totally so obviously yeah things are still kind of messed up in certain industries or whatever you know and I don't feel bad for Hollywood because I want Hollywood to fail I want the theaters to all go out of business and fail but but here's the thing about that though like she's not even thinking about any of that all she's thinking about is I got 165 million dollars but now I only got 20 million for this movie how dare you release this on Disney Plus I want this to be theater only I want people to have to go down there and watch it I don't want them to watch it at home they have to go down there I mean does anybody else think that that's just bizarre you know the Bible is really clear on salvation it's not based on how good you are a lot of people think they're pretty good you know and yeah they're gonna get to heaven because they're pretty good but the Bible says from all the sin the Bible says that is written there's none righteous no novel I'm not righteous you're not righteous and if it were our goodness that would get us into heaven none of us would be going because the Bible even says in Revelation 21 8 it says but the fearful and unbelieving the abominable and murderers and sorcerers and foremongers and idolaters and listen to this all liars shall have their part of the Lakers I've lied before everybody's like so we've all sand and we've done stuff worse than lying let's face it we all deserve help