(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Let me give you an example of a false prophet that you've probably heard of on TV, the famous guy who worships the Jews, who is a false teacher, John Hagee. Put up your hand if you know who John Hagee is, have you ever heard that name? John Hagee is a false prophet and an antichrist. Look, I would prove to you from the Bible right now that John Hagee is an antichrist. Right now, if you have a shadow of a doubt. John Hagee, in his book known as In Defense of Israel, there's your first red flag, between Israel. In his book In Defense of Israel, John Hagee says, the Jews did not reject Jesus as their Messiah because Jesus did not come to be the Messiah. How could they reject him as the Messiah when he didn't even come to be the Messiah? He didn't come to be the Messiah, he said, he just came to be the sacrifice and so they did what they do with every sacrifice, they killed him. I mean, have you ever heard of something so insane as that the people who killed Jesus were doing the right thing because they were killing the Lamb? Unbelievable, the false doctrine. But he said, Jesus did not come to be the Messiah. Now let's see if that's right. And he said this, kind of like the guy on Wednesday night said, Jesus never claimed to be the Son of God. John Hagee got up and said, I've got a video clip of him saying it, I've got the excerpt from the book where he says the picture of the cage. John Hagee, because now he's gone back and edited the book a little bit because people flipped out when he put this book out. And so he has a new edited version where he goes back and, oh well, you know, that's not really quite what I meant. But the abundance of the heart come out speaking, you phony false part liar. But I got the video clip and the picture of the book where he says it. He says, Jesus never claimed to be the Messiah while he was on this earth. Let's see if that's true. Look at John chapter 1. And John 4 is where he's going to claim to be the Messiah. But look at John 1.41. This is talking about Andrew. Andrew, he finds at first his own brother Simon and sayeth of him, we have found the Messiah, which is being interpreted to Christ. Now who's interpreting it for us? Andrew? No. The author of the book of John is interpreting it for us. John, if you want to cut to people and say, we found the Messiah, let me interpret that for you. In Greek, that's Christ. Because the person he's talking to knew what Messiah meant. But the author of the book of John here is interpreting it for us, the reader, so that we will know what is the interpretation of Messiah? Christ. So basically what John Hagee is saying is, Jesus never claimed to be Christ. Jesus didn't come to be the Christ. Does that sound like good doctrine? Unbelievable. And yet, he's on TV this week. He's all over TV. He has thousands and hundreds of thousands of followers all over this country tuning into his radio program, tuning into his TV program, and yet he's saying that Jesus is not the Christ. Look at verse 25, chapter 4. Turn over to chapter 4. John 4.25, the Bible reads, So woman sayeth I them, I know that Messiah cometh, which is called Christ. When he is come, he will tell us all things. Jesus saith unto her, I that speak unto thee, am he. So did Jesus claim to be the Messiah? Yes. Did he say he was the Christ? Yes. Did he say he was the Son of God? Yes. And yet people will follow the false teacher who lies about these things. John Hagee worships the Jews. He believes that Jews who do not believe on Jesus Christ as their savior will still go to heaven if they're a devout Jew, even if they don't believe on Jesus Christ. He says, heresy, false doctrine. But see, you should have known he was a false prophet even before he came out and said those things, when you saw him worshipping the Jews. Because the Jews are not God's chosen people, my friend.