(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Now, this is why, and think about how much sense this makes once you understand it, this is why when you die physically, you will never sin again. I mean, have you ever wondered about that? I mean, why is it that when you get to heaven, you're not going to sin? When we get to heaven, we're not going to be lying and stealing and thinking wicked thoughts. We're going to be totally without sin. We're going to be like unto Him, and we're going to follow Him whithersoever He goeth, and there will be no more sorrow, death, pain, everything will be great, and we're going to live a godly, righteous life. Why? Because the only reason that we're sinning right now is because we're in the flesh. It's the only reason. So when we die physically, the flesh is gone. Therefore we'll never sin again. Or, you know, if we are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord, when Jesus Christ comes in the clouds and the trumpet sounds, we will be changed in a moment, a twink of an eye. That is the redemption of our body, and at that point, we will be saved, body saved, soul saved, spirit, we will be 100% the new man in body, soul, and spirit, and our body will be perfect at that point. And that's why the Bible says that God shall change our vile body, that it may be fashioned like unto His glorious body, according to the working whereby He is able even to subdue all things unto Himself. That didn't happen when you got saved. You still have a vile body, my friend, you know, He did not change your body. And think about it, we all have things that are wrong with our body, right? I mean, everybody has physical ailments and problems, and even people that you think are in perfect health, I think pretty much everybody has something wrong with them physically, some physical ailment or something. You say, well, what's wrong with you, Pastor Anderson? Well, you know, for one, I have my middle finger on my right hand is completely messed up. And if I make a fist like this and then open my fist, it makes this painful popping, and it happens to me like 30 times a day. Click ouch, click ouch, you know, and I don't know if it's ever going to go back to normal. It's been like that for about five or six years. But here's the thing, over your lifetime, you start racking up these type of injuries and ailments. And that's why people that are older, they've got all kinds of ailments injury. And you know what, isn't it great to know that one day your body is going to be saved. You know, one day you're gonna have a perfect body, and the blind will see, and the deaf will hear, and the crippled will be leaping and skipping and running. And you know, we're one day gonna have perfect health. And all of our injuries and ailments and problems with our body will all be fixed. Look, that is not where we're at right now, though. And not only does our body have physical ailments, but that sinful flesh of the carnal mind also is sinful. And it actually leads us into sin and commits sin if we let it take over. That's why we have to make sure the spirit's in control, not the flesh, okay?