(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) You know, some people, they won't throw anything away. The cat ladies sometimes, where they just have everything stacked up. I went to a house in Phoenix, Arizona, soul winning, and there was a car in the driveway. It had a cover over the car, and it was covered in literally like seven or eight hundred empty cat food cans. They can't throw anything away. There are people who have a mental disorder today, where they can't throw anything away. Every newspaper, every piece of junk mail, every advertisement, everything they've ever owned, they keep it. Who knows what I'm talking about? It's hoarding. We got a bunch of pastors today that are hoarders. They're filling their lives and filling their churches with a bunch of empty cat food cans, and you walk in and you're like, this place stinks. This place stinks. You know, you look around, you see trannies and fags, you're just like, this stinks. Take out the trash. Take out the trash. You got all this heresy and filth and perversion, you're just like, take what? This place stinks. I can't be around this. I'm afraid I'm going to get a disease just from the smell. You ever go somewhere and it smelled so bad, you're afraid you're going to get sick? Like actually like a virus or a bacteria or something. You know what I mean? It's like there's something poisonous. It's poison gas. You know what I'm talking about?