(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) But it's our job as parents to raise our kids right, bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord, punish them. You know the Bible says that thou shall beat him with the rod and shall deliver his soul from hell. The Bible says withhold not correction from the child. He that spareth his rod, hateth his son, but he that loveth him, chasteth him at times. You know it's our job to punish our children when they do wrong. It's our job to bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord, and it's our job also to restrain them if they were to, you know, have it in their mind to do some horrible thing. You see, we can't just give our kids just unfettered freedom and just let them go do whatever. Do not give them unfettered access to the internet because there's so much trouble that can be gotten into on the internet. You know you can't just let your kids just run wild through the city. You can't just drop them off wherever and just leave them. You've got to supervise your kids. You've got to make sure, you know, I'm not just going to leave it to chance whether my daughters are a virgin, you know, in my home. I'm not just going to leave that to chance and just say, hey, you know what, just they're just out gallivanting and doing whatever. They're pulling a diner and they're out seeing the daughters of the land and who knows where they are. You know what, it's my job to basically, you know, watch over my children, restrain them, protect them. Now obviously with our sons, we have to give them a little more freedom as they get to an age where they start working a job and stuff like that. You know, they hit 16 and they start working a job. Obviously, yeah, now they have a little more freedom. That's because someday they're going to need to be independent and running a household and the man of the house and a breadwinner and so forth. So, you know, when my boys get older, they basically, you know, they get to a point where now they have more freedom and they're going to work and they're driving around and doing stuff and whatever, but obviously even then there's still rules. There's still boundaries that we put in place as a parent because we don't want to just let our kids do whatever because as for me and my house we will serve the Lord. So people that are living in my house must live up to a certain standard to live in my house. It's not a free for all in my house. Okay. You know, and even somebody who came and stayed at my house as a guest, you know, they might not necessarily be held to the same standard as my family, but they'd be held to a certain standard. I'm not going to have just people come over to my house living in fornication and staying at my house or something. There's certain things that I'm not going to bring into my house. I'm not going to allow in my house and I'm not going to allow my children to just do whatever. I'm not going to allow teenagers to do whatever. No, there have to be boundaries. I have to be rules. And obviously, like I said, with sons, they have to be given some freedom because they have to get a job and they have to, you know, ease into that transition of adulthood where they're going to be out on their own, be in their own man, head of household. But let me tell you something. When my daughters turn 16, they're not getting a job. I'm not just going to drop them off at some fast food place where they can be hit on by all the dudes and whatever. Because, you know, I know what's out there. I've been there. I've been a teenager. I've been a young adult. I've worked at these fast food places. I've worked at round table pizza. All right. Not quite fast food is the last honest pizza. Okay. But anyway, you know, I've worked at these type of places. I've been around. I went to high school. I went to junior college. I know what that's like. And I know that these dudes with these young, beautiful Christian girls showing up, they're going to be like that guy in the yellow suit behind the tree meme. You know what I mean? They're going to be scheming and conniving. And let me tell you something. I don't care what the feminists say. The Bible says women are the weaker vessel. Okay. And we need to protect the honor and dignity of our daughters. And, you know, even though your daughters might give you attitude because they want to just go out and just do their own thing and just have all this freedom because they're 18 now. Hey, as long as my daughters are living in my house, there are going to be some boundaries in place for their protection, for their safety, for their honor. Hey, I want them to have a good time. I want them to enjoy life. I want them to be successful, but you know what? I'm not just going to just put them out there and just whatever happens happens because you know what? I'm sure Diana wasn't a horrible person and I know Jacob was a godly man. And so what's going on? You know what I mean? But she's just, she's out there and whatever we want to avoid that type of situation because I don't think that Diana liked the way her life turned out any more than her dad liked it or her brothers liked it. You know, the dude that she was into got murdered and so did the whole town. That's not exactly what she thought she was getting into when she went out to see the daughters of land.