(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) And watch this, look at verse 15. And he will take the tenth of your seed and of your vineyards and give to his officers and to his servants. Notice how he's going to take one tenth. Does that remind you of anything? Does that ring a bell with anything? Right? The tithe, right? The Bible says the tithe is the Lord's. The Bible commands us to give 10% to the Lord. And you say, well I'm done with that, I'm done with church, I'm done tithing, I'm done serving God. Okay, well you know what, you're just going to end up paying 10% out there anyway. First of all, our government today, we wish that they took 10%. I mean, we would all be thrilled if our government just took 10% and that was it. We pay way more than that. And you know, if some of you don't understand how to read your paycheck, just maybe you should just go to the grave not understanding how to read it because it'd be depressing if you actually figure out what's really going on because your employer is literally paying half of your taxes. He's paying it for you. It's money that he would have given you, he's giving it to government instead. So the government wants to hide how much they're taxing you so they have the employer pay part and you pay part and then some of it they tax on the way in, some of it they tax on the way out so that you got sales tax over here and you got the federal income tax, the state income tax, property tax over here. But then there's the FICA and the Medicare and then there's your employer's part of FICA and Medicare. And 10% would be great. 10% would be nice, right? 10% would be a blessing. But that's what he says. He says, look, he's going to take 10% from you. You know, and symbolically what this could represent is, you know, if you're not going to give 10% to the Lord, you know, you're going to end up just giving that 10% somewhere else. You're going to end up just losing that 10% somewhere else because if God blesses you, you can live better on the 90% than you can live on 100% when you're not obeying God.