(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) God took away my reproach and she called his name Joseph and said the Lord shall add to me another son you know you know I'm sorry Rachel but the way you name kids is really irritating it's like first you name your kid Dan because yourself oh god answer my prayer he judged me and but wrong bad name then the next name nap to lie oh man I've been fighting with my sister and I finally won the fight yeah what and then now this name I mean think about you've been praying for years and years is you just want to have a baby so bad you finally have a baby surely you're happy now surely you're satisfied your dream now right isn't this great no because let me tell you something envious covetous people will never be happy they will never be satisfied and so what does she name him she basically names him give me another one that's basically what she's naming him because the word Joseph is basically the verb to add it's like addition and so that's what that three-letter root is where we get the name Joseph and so she says well she's calling his name Joseph it says in verse 24 and said the Lord shall add to me another son now you know you might be tempted to read that as well she just has a lot of faith that you know God answered one prayer and he's gonna answer another doesn't really seem to jive with the rest of the story though she doesn't really seem to be a giant of the faith and so I think it's more likely a sign of I'm not really satisfied with having one baby in fact you know I'm gonna name this baby give me another one which obviously his name doesn't literally mean give me another one but it basically means add addition you know add more and so she's saying the Lord's gonna add to me another son and she called his name Joseph Genesis chapter 35 verse 16 and they journeyed from Bethel and there was but a little way to come to Ephrath and Rachel travailed and she had hard labor so now she's having that second child that she wanted so bad because she didn't say give me child lest I die she said give me children or else I die so now here comes children right second child she had hard labor came to pass when she was in hard labor that the midwife said unto her fear not thou shall have this son also and it came to pass as her soul was in departing for she died that she called his name Benoni but his father called him Benjamin you say surely pastor Anderson she's getting better at the baby names by now this baby name was so bad that her husband vetoed it and says no I don't care if you died while you named it this I don't care if it's your last dying wish that is not gonna be this kid's name Follies is like no I let you name it you know Dan and nap to lie and Joseph but just no okay because here's what's funny about this you know you think like is she finally happy she's having her second baby no this name Benoni means something along the lines of son of my sorrow or son of my affliction or son of son of my sorrow so this didn't make her happy his father called him Benjamin and the name Benjamin it could mean a couple different things at face value it means son of my right hand so that's like a more positive uplifting name then you know son of my drag of a life son of my sorrow you know he names it you know the most obvious meaning like the way the letters are in this word right now would be son of my right hand which is a good thing obviously so he's given him like a positive name you know he's only think of the right hand think of like you know your right hand man or something right but either way it's positive right whatever the name is he's taken her negative name Benoni and saying like no we're not gonna name it that and he gives it a nice name whatever Benjamin means is it's a nice name okay it's positive about the baby