(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) I heard there's a new Left Behind coming out with Nicolas Cage. I mean, Nicolas Cage's career must be going downhill. You know what I mean? If he wants to do this kind of a B-movie, I mean, Nicolas Cage has now prostituted himself to liberal Christianity. Do you think that Nicolas Cage is a Bible-believing Christian? I saw an interview where he said, he didn't even claim to be. He said, I don't even believe in it. So why is he doing the movie? Well, either just for the money or just because he just loves Satan. I mean, Satan's done a lot for him. I mean, Satan has done a lot for Nicolas Cage. The least he could do is make a movie for Satan. I'm sure all of his movies have been for Satan to some level, but he needs to do one that's just all for Satan. You know what I mean? Where he just promotes false doctrine and false Christianity and the pre-tribulation rapture lie. But you know what all the Christians do? Oh, Nicolas Cage, oh, it's so wonderful. You know what? It makes me sick when Christians get excited about Hollywood actors throwing Jesus a bone. God's not a respecter of persons. I'm not impressed by Nicolas Cage. I'm not impressed by the world's celebrities. I'm not impressed by these people. Oh, isn't it so great that this Hollywood actor, no, you know who's great? Real life people that don't work in Hollywood, that don't make a bunch of wicked movies, that aren't ungodly wicked whoremongers, that are just God-fearing people who go to church. You know who's a great person? Plumbers and electricians and carpenters and landscapers and everybody who does an honest living and not some Hollywood actor, not some rock star, not some celebrity. The world's celebrities are of the devil and yet we get all excited if one of them just kind of mentions Jesus or something. Hey, why don't we just get excited about the people who actually go to church, who actually have an honest job, instead of getting all excited about some holly weird actor. I'm not interested in you, Nicolas Cage. I would not even walk across this room to get Nicolas Cage's autograph. I would not even walk 10 feet to go shake his hand. I don't care about Nicolas Cage. You could literally put every celebrity known to man, put them all in a restaurant across the street, put all the celebrities, put Tom Cruise and Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt and put all the members of U2 and Metallica and Jon Bon Jovi and put Captain Kirk and Spock and Picard and put, you know, I don't know who, put everybody over, put SpongeBob SquarePants over there. Put every Hollywood actor and every musician and every politician and Obama and Biden and all the Bushes and the Clintons and everybody. I wouldn't even walk across the street to even say hi. Like I wouldn't even walk over there to meet one of them. I wouldn't be like, oh, I'm never going to wash this hand again. I just shook hands with you. I promise you, I would not even walk across the street to even talk to those people. I have no interest. Zero interest. No! Mel Gibson. Oh, he made a Jesus movie. Justin Bieber. Yeah, I'd walk across the street to kick his little... I'd walk across the street to kick his little...