(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Your disciples are not walking according to the tradition of the elders, but they eat bread with unwashing hands Verse six it says he answered and said unto them. Well hath the zaias prophesied of you hypocrites As it is written this people honoreth me with their lips, but their heart is far from me How be it in vain they do worship me? Teaching for doctrines the commandments of men. Those are some very strong words out of the mouth of jesus He's saying first of all, you're hypocrites And he says second of all your heart is far from god You're just doing lip service and pretending that you are interested in what god thinks of you But you're really not let's keep reading It says in verse 8 for laying aside the commandment of god you hold the tradition of men As the washing of pots and many other such like things you do now. I want to point out here that they had not added Extra rules to the commandment of god But rather the bible says in verse 8 that they laid aside the commandment of god In order to keep their tradition and let me tell you something. This is true of judaism today And people that are christians for some reason have this weird idea That judaism today or that the jews today Believe and follow the old testament and it's a lie It wasn't even true in jesus day And it's even that's true in 2014 to say that the jews believe and follow the old testament. They don't now These rules that jesus is rebuking All the many such things the washing of cups and pots today. Those things are known as the towel mud And here's what the towel mud is. I'm just going to explain it to you quickly because that's exactly what jesus is against here The towel mud is what the jews call the oral torah and here's what they say. Well, the bible is the written torah But then there's the oral torah So they say that when moses was on mount sinai god gave him all the words that would become genesis exodus Leviticus numbers and deuteronomy That's the written law of god the written torah, but the jews claim that god also just told him a bunch of oral stuff That just never got written down It was just stuff that he told moses and it was like don't write this down Just just talk about this just pass this on verbally just only write that as but you know what it's a lie Because everything that god commanded moses is in this book right here Everything he command and the bible says he spake all these words and he spake no more Until now, I mean everything that god commanded moses is all right here And they were told, you know read all the words of moses and all the words of the law of god unto moses But they claim no no, no, there was this other Really nitpicky really specific stuff that god told moses basically explaining and expanding upon What's in the bible? So for example, you know, the bible tells you not to work on the sabbath day, right? But that's just way too simple So the talmud just has hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of pages explaining Exactly what you can and can't do on the sabbath day So they add all these other nitpicky regulations and things And so that's that that's what they call the oral torah now this didn't used to be written down. It was just passed on From person to person now the true story is that this teaching originated around 200 bc It doesn't go all the way back to moses, of course because everything that god told moses is in the bible But actually these teachings originated around 200 bc and that's why we see jesus christ dealing with it because it was already on the scene When he was there in an oral form well later on after the jews were kicked out of the promised land And make no mistake about it. They were kicked out of the promised land for one reason because they rejected the lord jesus christ Matthew is very clear on that that that is why the temple was destroyed and that's why they were thrown out of israel Was because of their rejecting the lord jesus christ Well when they were thrown out of the promised land They were afraid that they were going to lose all their precious little traditions about washing your hands and cups and stuff So they didn't want to lose that so then they started to write it down After they had been scattered abroad after rejecting jesus christ And they started writing it down and it was it was fully compiled and written down around ad 500 The babylonian talmud so about 500 years after christ is when it was all written down and today it's in written form And it's an it's like an encyclopedia. It's so it's 38 volumes It's not just a book like the the bible is a book in our hand. These are god's laws the laws of the jews Are 38 volumes long and we've even talked to elderly rabbis that have said well i've never read the whole thing cover to cover Because it's just so much but I say is it the word of god, yep, it's the word of god Never even read it cover to cover And let me tell you something judaism today doesn't just add 38 volumes to the to the word of god No, i'll tell you what it does. It rejects this book Completely and just worships those 38 volumes and in according to the talmud It's all it's the rabbis. It's the elders remember the traditions of the elders that matter and in fact god Even takes guidance from the rabbis in the talmud even god listens to the judgments of the rabbis They decide what's right and wrong and even god Takes orders from them according to the talmud and i've read the passages myself and that's what it says. It's very weird And it's it's a really stupid book. I mean if you actually just sit down and just start reading several pages of the talmud It's one of the stupidest things you'll ever read. It's it's boring It's lame You know god's word has power And whenever you try to read any of these other scriptures from other religions, they're always weak You know you open the book of mormon and read a few pages It's ridiculous. You read a few pages of the quran You can tell something's wrong with this read a few pages of the apocrypha And you're you're scratching your head about you know, how how anybody could think this is scripture But when you read the bible every page of the bible is wonderful Powerful And and you say how do you know the bible is true because it's it's the power of god's word Because faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of god. So this this Teaching of the talmud is what jesus christ is rebuking here and make no mistake about it If you talk to modern day jewish rabbis, they will say that they're following the religion of the pharisees They'll even tell you that we're pharisees because the pharisees are the group that became the predominant rabbis After the destruction of the temple and they were scattered everywhere the rap the pharisaical rabbis are the ones who took power and in fact If you remember the apostle paul was trained by gamaliel before he got saved Remember, he was brought up and taught at the feet of the pharisee teacher gamaliel gamaliel same guy Is one of the rabbis of the talmud. He's one of the main rabbis in the talmud revered as being one of their greatest Uh rabbis, but of course, you know, the apostle paul said it was all dung that gamaliel taught him remember Gamaliel had taught him nothing, but he said all those things that were in it when he excelled in the jews religion He said I excelled in the jews religion He wasn't talking about christianity was he? And he said above many my equals he said but what things were gained to me those I counted loss for crown I count all things but dung he said And those things were worthless unto him once he found the lord jesus christ So this is what jesus is rebuking and that's why jesus said if you believed moses He said to the pharisees you would have believed me For he spake of me But if you believe not his writings how she believed my words so that jives perfectly with jesus saying here that you've laid aside The commandment of god for your tradition you've rejected the teaching of the bible And you've embraced the teaching of the talmud and you've embraced all of these traditions and things that we see Washing hands washing cups washing pots and look if you have a rule that says hey I'm going to wash my hands every time I eat that's fine. But don't say that god commanded that because he didn't