(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) I just want to make a quick note. This isn't in my sermon or anything but it seems like this year there are a lot of people who kind of come out with this kind of anti-Christmas doctrine and there are a lot of people today that jump on these bandwagons online saying how bad Christmas is and how pagan, it's wicked and all this junk and let me just give you some rationale quickly for why we do celebrate Christmas. Here's the thing okay having times of holiday and repose and relaxation that's a biblical concept okay but we do not want to celebrate the Old Testament Jewish holidays because those things are done away in Christ and the Bible is very clear that we're in the New Testament and we're not to observe those days and months and times and years of the Old Covenant. The Bible is crystal clear on that and I'll tell you what's behind this anti-Christmas movement is Jews trying to Judaize us and trying to get us off of Christmas and then here's what they want to do they want to replace it with Hanukkah okay they want to get you to not do Easter because they want you doing the Passover okay well Christ is our Passover they don't have a Passover and so the bottom line is you kind of would have to fall into three different choices you could either a just celebrate no holidays just have no holidays no Christmas no Easter no Thanksgiving no Fourth of July just have no holidays right that would be one option Option two would be that you could just do the holidays that our culture participates in without sinning though you know we're not going to do anything sinful but just go through and basically do Thanksgiving Christmas Easter which are wholesome holidays you know being thankful to God celebrating the birth of Christ celebrating the resurrection and so forth or the third option would be to say well no no we have to do these Jewish holidays instead so it's pretty much like there's the no holiday crowd like Jehovah's Witnesses and then you have the doing the normal American holidays crowd and then you have the Judaizing crowd and let me tell you something the Judaizing crowd is wicked it's a wicked false doctrine the Bible warns against it six ways to Sunday okay and celebrating Hanukkah has to be the stupidest holiday in the history of mankind and let me tell you why because Hanukkah for those of you who don't know what it is it's celebrating the rededication of the temple which God later destroyed which is destroyed right now which is a pile of rubble right now so why would you celebrate the rededication of something that later got destroyed again so God brought judgment the first time and then it got rededicated yay uh destroyed again and it's permanently destroyed it's been destroyed for the last 2,000 years and why was it destroyed because they rejected Jesus Christ so I don't want to join with a bunch of Christ rejecting Jews to celebrate the rededication of a temple that God destroyed to punish them makes no sense at all and human nature is that we like to celebrate holidays human beings like to have holidays and so very few people are going to get into that no holiday crowd so you kind of end up choosing between Christian holidays and Jewish holidays okay well you can guess which one I want to celebrate now here's the thing about that is people say well yeah but you know we don't know that Christ was born on December 25th and that's made up or whatever well you know there's a one in 365 chance that he was born on that day but I don't it doesn't really matter it's just it's just a day that's just been chosen to commemorate that okay and a lot of people will say oh you know everything we do on Christmas is pagan well here's what we do on Christmas and here's probably what you do on Christmas is we sing songs about Jesus anything pagan there we go out and do Christmas caroling so we're out singing songs about Jesus again okay uh we hang lights we have like uh evergreen trees and wreaths and we drink hot cocoa and we eat ham and mashed potatoes and corn are those things pagan now here's the thing you know I personally don't get involved in all of the Santa Claus Rudolph whatever you know I don't think that's even pagan though it's just kind of stupid so you know I I'd rather focus on the birth of Jesus Christ and you know when it comes to Easter I'm not going to get involved in bunnies and eggs and all that but I'm going to celebrate the resurrection of Christ I'm going to eat ham sorry Jews and so nothing that we do on these holidays is pagan and they're like oh you're celebrating Saturnalia you're you're celebrating you know yule and all the whatever but somebody tried to say that oh Christmas caroling that's a pagan thing they go out singing naked or something it's like well you know what as soon as we go out singing naked then we'll talk but I really don't think pagans invented singing you know singing was around before pagans and and then you say well you know the tree is bad nothing wrong with trees my friend God created trees and the Bible even talks about decorating the house of God with the box tree and the fir tree so it talks about decorating with evergreen plants and you say well you know Jeremiah 10 folks this time read Jeremiah 10 with your eyes open because Jeremiah 10 is about taking a tree and carving it into an idol and overlaying it with gold or silver that's talking about making a graven image trees aren't a graven image they're they're created by God they're just trees okay and so all of this jazz about Christmas being pagan if you actually fact check it if you actually look up these historical facts they're all hoaxes they're all made up they don't actually pan out the stuff that we do at Christmas today has nothing to do with paganism okay and you if you want to know what's behind it it's about getting you off of Christian holidays and onto Jewish holidays because people are going to celebrate holidays you know we're just supposed to just work 365 days a year never take a break never get together with family never exchange gifts nope human nature is such that we're going to celebrate holidays we might as well make it about Jesus not about buildings that Jesus destroyed in his anger all right so anyway just wanted to give you that brief announcement just to kind of uh put your mind at ease at at some of the stuff that you see online where people are just saying everything's pagan but you know unto the pure all things are pure but unto them that are defiled and unbelieving is nothing pure and so the thing is yeah there could be sinful things that people do on these holidays even today there could be some sinful practice you know you could say oh it's Christmas let's hang up a mistletoe and I'll kiss someone else's wife or something obviously that's a sinful practice am I right so I'm not going to do that but that doesn't mean that we're going to throw out the whole holiday because somebody drinks liquor on Christmas or somebody does this or that or the other now we don't celebrate Halloween because Halloween's not a wholesome holiday there's nothing wholesome about it it's all dark and and demonic and satanic and about death and everything but I mean Christmas is about the birth of Christ it doesn't mean we're going to do that Mariah Carey song to hell with that song okay it's all right I just had to get that off my chest but you know Thanksgiving Christmas Easter you know these can be celebrated in a wholesome way and I think it's great that it just reminds the whole world of Jesus because even a lot of unsaved people right now are hearing about Jesus and they're hearing about the birth of Jesus and they're thinking about that and so it could be a great opportunity for seeds to be planted so that people could be one to Christ and so I really like Christmas and I think it's great and God bless America all right so anyway let's go ahead and sing our next song