(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Men, I'm not going to be preaching the sermon that I planned on preaching this morning. I'm going to be preaching something different and unfortunately I've got to start out with some very bad news and that is that you know there's still people in our church who are getting sucked into this oneness garbage and forsaking the Trinity. Now I find that hard to believe since I've gotten up here and preached it to the point of ridiculousness. I proved it. Hey, you're not supposed to say that it was ridiculous that I talked about it. But anyway, you know, I went up one side and down the other and I talked about it and I talked about it and I proved it with hundreds of scriptures and then I even put other videos online the Trinity moments where I'm just one point at a time. Each one of those 48 Trinity moments disproves this modeless oneness garbage. And there's 48 of them. So I mean I'm up here I'm preaching the Bible. I'm spending hours and hours and hours of time behind the pulpit covering this. I'm putting even more videos online. You know I don't know what else to do as a pastor. I don't know what else to say except for this. This doctrine is not an optional doctrine. The Trinity is a foundation of our Christian belief. It has been for thousands of years and we will not budge. We will not compromise and I'm not going to be a respecter of persons. I don't care who it is. I don't care who believes in this garbage. They're going to be called out and they're going to be thrown out. And you know what if you've been here for years and years if you're one that's been in our church for years and you're like well I'm just still not sure then you know what just get out and come back when you're sure right because you know what that is not acceptable to come to this church for years and years and hear me preach about it for hours and hours and hours and hours and you're still not sure if the Trinity is true you got a problem but you know what you take your problem somewhere else. Now if you're brand-new if you're a new believer if you're a babe in Christ if you've never even read the Bible cover to cover you know and you're not really sure what the Trinity teaches or you're a little mixed up on the Trinity then you know what hang around learn the doctrine but I'm talking to people that ought to know better people that have been here for years people that have read their Bibles cover to cover and they don't believe in the Trinity there's something wrong friend yeah now look it shouldn't matter who I'm gonna bring up because God's not a respecter of persons and I'm not a respecter of persons and it shouldn't matter who it is the truth is the truth right you know and basically there's been two people that have been affected first of all Dominique Davis that's why he wasn't here last Sunday has been thrown out because he says oh God's not three persons God's only one person what hey sit down sit down what do you what are you coming up here to do you want to come take over the service come on what do you want what get out of here you can drag this bozo out pull it out hey help him out get him out and you know what anybody wants to come up here and take over the service we'll throw you out of here buddy right man this church is not a free-for-all this isn't an open mic this isn't a karaoke bar okay I'm the man of God here I need the qualifications I run this church and if you don't like it then get out this is not some church where every first-time visitor and brand-new believer and people have never even read the Bible are gonna come up and take over the service not happening okay if you want that kind of watered-down leadership go to some house church with your Amish buddies and sit around the coffee table with your coffee clutch this is a New Testament Church we have a bishop here we have an overseer here like it or lump it and if you don't like it feel free to get up and leave the service at any time and if you're one of these oneness people why don't you have the guts why don't you have the courage to get up and leave right now and the goal and the courage to come and face us and tell us instead of being like Dominique who texts us right after he said you all heard him sit in the front row of this church yelling Amen every time I go back on YouTube watch all the YouTube videos and what's he doing he's sitting in the front row yelling Amen and now he's telling people I never really fully agreed on the Trinity then why'd you yell Amen every time I talked about it and every time I preached against oneness I'll tell you why because he's a hypocrite that's why people are hypocrites who like to sit in the front row and say Amen loudly even though they don't believe in it right that's called being a hypocrite and then it's like they're yelling Amen one day and then two days later it's like oh I'm gonna leave the church because I don't believe in the Trinity he said I'm not comfortable with this then just take a hike go take a hike you know what you ought to be thankful that you have a pastor who stands on Bible God it doesn't care what people say and I don't care if 90% of people get up and walk out or 50% of people walk out I don't care because you know what I'm not gonna pastor a oneness cult I have the pastor of a Baptist Church and if you're not a Baptist take it out we're not gonna let a bunch of heretics come in and split this church and bring in all this job this church is gonna be unified around Bible doctrine it's not happening you say well this is a sweetness in life can we all get along you know we could all get along if people would actually believe the Bible but they don't so sometimes we have to crack some heads if you're not comfortable with it go down and comfortable that where anything goes where people can believe whatever now look there are lots of doctrines that are optional you know things that aren't as clear in Scripture things that don't affect salvation things that don't affect the nature of God if people have different views on end times prophecy if people have different views on you know the Jews or Israel that's fine you know you tell I don't quite agree on the reprobate doctor fine but you know what the Trinity is not optional and you're gonna be shocked when I tell you who's getting mixed up in this now and I don't know how deep he is into it but now Garrett Kershway says that the Trinity is a false doctrine I mean he's been up here behind this pulpit preaching the Trinity preaching against Jesus only baptism preaches of all people he's been here with us all along through all this teaching through all this preaching I can't even believe it and you know I found out did I find out because he came and told me because he had the guts to come and tell me hey by the way I'm on your staff and I don't believe in the doctrine of the church I don't believe in the Trinity no I found out because I saw his wife commenting on Tyler Baker's videos like oh great sermon brother and I confronted him about it bunch of cowards makes me sick makes me sick and you know if any of you cowards are out there right now just come clean right now just get up and walk out because if you don't believe in the Trinity you are not welcome in this church what are we gonna bring in next the Muslims what are we gonna bring in Hindus and Buddhists and Jews and whatever look it's a Baptist Church it's not seeker sensitive it's not anything goes it's the Trinity it's the Baptist Church it's not optional and so as of this morning he's fired you know how long it took me to fire him 30 seconds 30 seconds and you know what you know how long it's gonna take me to throw somebody out of this church that doesn't believe in the Trinity 30 seconds 30 seconds