(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Look, I would rather be filled with the Spirit, walk with God, live a clean life according to His commandments, teach the other people of the church to do the same thing, and you know what? Even if the group ends up being smaller at the end of the day, we're going to be Spirit-filled, we're going to go out and we're going to win more people to Christ, and we will win more people to Christ by being righteous and being a preacher of righteousness than to just bring everybody in, throw the standards and doctrine out the window. It doesn't accomplish anything, it's a failed system. You say, prove it fails, okay, go soloing with me. Knock on the doors of the people who go to these mega churches, half of them don't even know what salvation is. And so I'd rather have a smaller group, I'd rather have just twelve guys that are like the twelve disciples, and obviously we have much more than that here. But Jesus had twelve and He did a lot with those twelve men that turned the world upside down. Why? Because they're Spirit-filled. Why? Because they forsook all and followed Him. Why? Because they lived a clean, godly, righteous life. They cared about doctrine, they cared about purity, they cared about preaching against sin, they preached hard, they did not care about offending people, they cared about offending God. They didn't want to do that.