(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) So, no, we are not evolved from animals at all. We are created by a special divine act. God formed man from the dust of the earth and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and man became a living soul. That's where humans come from. We are specially blessed by God. We are the lords of this earth. We are the crowning glory of his creation. You know, and obviously you can look at animals and find similarities to humans. Like I said, two eyes, nose, mouth. And then now they get all sophisticated by saying, you know, we looked at the DNA and, you know, it turns out that the DNA between humans and chimpanzees is like 90% the same. What's like, well, I could have told you, we, forget the DNA, we can just look at a chimpanzee and find 90% of things the same. You know, five fingers, two feet, two legs, two arms, shoulders, a head, a mouth, a tongue. Folks, you know what DNA is? DNA is basically just a blueprint of what you see. It's a blueprint for the organism. So if I look at the organism, if two organisms are similar, they're going to have similar DNA. It's like, oh wow, what a shock because of the fact that they're similar organisms. So here's the thing, DNA didn't provide some new smoking gun proving evolution because that's what Richard Dawkins is like, well, now that we have DNA, we know evolution is true. What does DNA tell you? Similarity between animals and humans? Well, I could have told you that they both have eyes and a nose and a mouth. So I could point out, but you know what, what about the dissimilarities? That's what matters. It's that 10% that's different or how, and don't quote me on that. I'm just throwing that number out there. But I'm just, the point is it's the difference that matters, the mental difference, the spiritual difference, the intellectual difference, not just the fact that, you know, oh look, it's standing on its hind legs or something. I'm not impressed by that.