(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) So don't get angry and bitter and worry about these things. You don't want to become an angry person. Now it's okay to be angry in certain situations where anger is warranted and the Bible says be angry and sin not but don't let the sun go down on your wrath and don't become an angry person where Monday you're angry, Tuesday you're angry, Wednesday you're angry. And you know what, if there are things that make you mad like that, then just stop looking at them. This is the best way to control anger. If you want to fix your anger problem, stop getting around things that make you mad. Because sometimes we just expect ourselves to have some kind of a super human willpower or super human temperance. This would be like if you want to go on a diet and surround yourself with junk food and chocolates and candy and everything and just be like I can handle this, I can do this. You're basically like that Gandhi style. I don't even want to go there. If you heard the Gandhi sermon, you know what I'm talking about. But you know, hey let me just surround myself with temptation and just prove how much willpower I have. You know what, that's not what the Bible teaches because you know what the Bible teaches? Lead us not into temptation. Isn't that what the Bible says? Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil. You know what the Bible says? Make not provision for the flesh to fulfill the lusts thereof. And by the way, one of the best ways to go on a diet is to surround yourself with the right kind of food and get rid of the wrong temptations. You know if you surround yourself with all kinds of fruits and vegetables and low calorie snacks that you like, you're going to do way better. You know usually the time that I find myself just eating the worst things and just totally blowing my diet is when I'm in my office, I'm super busy working and all I've got in my office is just like sweets and candy and you know all this and it's just like and I'm just like I don't have time to get the right thing and I'm just you know this will work as a meal substitute and it's just like candy bars and chips and whatever. Yeah and then he puts all the wrong stuff in my office. No but lately I've been putting some of the right things in my office you know. See I try to put like an apple, an orange, a banana, popcorn you know because don't tell me popcorn is not good or I'm in real trouble because I eat an incredible amount of popcorn. But you know it's high fiber, low calorie, it's non-GMO, the one that I do so if it's wrong I don't want to be right. So the point is though you know just like you'd be crazy to surround yourself by candy bars and ice cream and sodas when you're trying to lose weight and you need to surround it with the right things. Well here's the thing you know don't just indulge things that cause you to get super angry you know if you're every time you look at the news you're just mad and upset or every time you look at the news you're getting stressed out, you're getting sick to your stomach, you're getting ulcer from thinking about you know coronavirus and black lives matter and all this junk that's odd you know maybe it's time to just ignore it and the world will keep on turning without you. You know the derelicts can burn cities down without you watching them do it. It's like it'll still happen without you watching. You don't even have to watch it happen and you don't even have to know the exact statistic on the coronavirus and now it turns out that this number was underestimated no wait a minute it was overestimated no here's the real number over here you know it's just like at the end of the day sometimes it can become just detrimental to your personal life to pay attention to all that and get all mad and upset and once you just realize that God is going to take care of it and that all things work together for good to the loved guy now if you if you enjoy that sort of thing and you can look at that stuff without it bothering you then you know what hey why don't you keep up with every twist and turn of the corona saga and the root the looting and pillaging saga hey knock yourself out but you know what I've noticed a lot of people that it's having a detrimental effect on where I can tell that it's stressing people out it's making them upset it's making them angry and you know it might be time to just turn that off for some of you or at least take a break from it and and cool down a little because the stress is going to kill you right you know God is going to punish our enemies our haters things that are going on in the world it's all in his hand so we don't need to worry about it what we need to worry about is just being in God's good graces that's what we need to worry about