(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) You asked me, Pastor Anderson, I have all these unsaved friends, and I don't know, now that I'm living for God, I just don't really feel comfortable spending a whole lot of time with all these unbelieving friends. What should I do? Look, I never had that problem. Never had that problem. Because you know what? When I was a teenager, I had a bunch of unbeliever friends and a bunch of liberal Christian friends and new evangelicals. I never had to separate from any of them. They all separated from me, literally. I mean, I never had to say to them, I've never one time had to say to somebody, you know, I'm going a different direction than you. I love God. I love Jesus Christ. I'm all about soul winning now. I'm all about reading the Bible right now. I'm just not interested in talking about the things that you're interested in talking about. I mean, I'm just going a completely different direction. I'm a believer. You're not. I think we should just have a parting of ways. I've never had that conversation with anybody, ever. Okay. No, they'll just stop answering the phone. They'll just stop coming over. You say, well, they don't do that with me. Maybe you're not living right. Maybe you're not. You know, if you get around people who are unbelievers and just start everything you talk about at the Bible, they don't want to be around. They don't like that. Okay. Yeah, you get around people that are liberal, dead at the doornail Christians, they don't want to hear about winning people to Christ. You get around these liberal, new evangelical charismatic, they don't want to hear about King James only. No, they don't. And they'll separate from you over that. I've never had to separate from anybody. You say, boy, is it difficult for you in the ministry, you know, having to separate from other preachers. I've never had to separate from any other preacher. They separate from me. I've never had to say, well, I can't fellowship with you because you're too liberal. Just never happened. So maybe theoretically, you know, I might have to do that or something. I don't know if it's ever going to happen. Why? Because when you take a stand for Jesus Christ, you will be pushed outside the gate. You will end up without the camp. And if you're in the camp, if you're in the in-crowd, then something's wrong with you because Jesus Christ is not there. And think about how sad this is. Think about how sad it is for you to be following a man who was rejected in his lifetime. You're following a man who was kicked out, despised, rejected. The son of man, boxes have holes and the birds of the air have nests, but Jesus Christ said, the son of man hath not where to lay his head. You're following a man who's rejected, who didn't have a penny to his name. And you go through life being accepted by everybody who's around you because you're afraid to stand up for Jesus. How do you think that makes Jesus feel? Sitting outside the camp. Hello, does anybody want to be out here with me? Remember, I saved you. I died on the cross for you. I did everything for you. Do you want to come out here where I am? Huh? I'm waiting. Do you want to come out here? But you probably can't even hear them because you're in the crowd. All you hear is just all the hahaha. There's too much noise because you're in a bustling crowd of people because you're in the camp. You're in the crowd. Jesus all alone waiting outside lonely, sitting there waiting without the camp for you to come out and be where he is, for you to choose whether you're going to accept the praise of men or the praise of God. You say, well, I want to have both. You'll never have both. You will never have both. As a pastor, I know this. I can either be accepted by man or I can be accepted by God. And those are my two choices. You can't have them both ways. You can't be embraced by a world that rejected Jesus Christ if you're following Jesus Christ. He said if they called the master of the house Beelzebub, how much more shall they call them of his household? You have to decide this day whom you will serve. But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.