(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) You know I had a really good friend of mine. You know he was addicted to prescription pain pills prescription pain pills he went to the doctor and the doctor doesn't care about you he cares about money and He went to the doctor, and he told the doctor. He said I am becoming addicted to these pain pills You need to change something here because he had a back injury on the job doing concrete He said you need to change my pain pills because I'm addicted to these people and the doctor said yours That's silly those aren't habit forming Don't worry about it keep taking them You know he got to where he was just taking them and taking them and taking he got to work He started even buying extra ones from other people, and then he got to where he started selling them buying and selling and Then he got to the point where one day he OD'd on them and Actually the ambulance had to come and take him away because he's bleeding and all kinds of horrible things. Why? Did he want to did he want to become addicted like that? No he told the doctor He said will you please change my prescription? But what happened he became addicted to drugs Came addicted to the pain pills and it brought him down a downward spiral to where it almost destroyed his life And he was able to kick that but it wasn't easy You see the pharmaceutical companies. I have no problem saying this the pharmaceutical companies in the United States are nothing more than legalized dope dealers I have no more respect for the pharmaceutical companies in America than the dope dealer. That's on the street corner in fact I have more respect for the dope dealers on the street corner because at least he's telling you the truth He's telling you. I'm a dope dealer. Okay. I'm a drug dealer He's got at least here You know at least I wish that the pharmaceutical company at least if the if the CEO Of the pharmaceutical company would wear like would drive with those rims if you drive like a gold SUV With the rims that keep spinning and dress like a pimp and wear Gold chains and stuff at least then we'd know what you really are cuz that is what you are you're a drug dealer You're jamming Ritalin down these kids' throats You're jamming psychotropic drugs like Ritalin down the throats of these little kids and three-year-old four-year-old five-year-old six-year-old kids because they act up in school because they think for themselves because they have a brain because they don't want You to control them all day. Huh? They'd love to put me on dope right now You think they like what I'm saying right now. They'd want to put me on Ritalin. They think I have ADHD Huh? I'm going to tell you something up the dope dealer pharmaceutical companies will destroy your life in this country Don't bow down and worship the doctor. He's not a God man You ought to think about some of these drugs that they're jamming down your throat