(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Because we should be ashamed of abominations. Listen to Jeremiah 6.15 Were they ashamed when they had committed abomination? Nay, they were not at all ashamed, neither could they blush. Therefore, they shall fall among them that fall. At the time that I visit them, they shall be cast down, sayeth the Lord. Jeremiah 8.12 says pretty much verbally the exact same thing. He twice talks about how people were just committing abomination and they were unashamed, would not blush and therefore they were going to be destroyed. That's where America is at today. And you know what? You say, well, America wasn't that great 50 years ago or 60 years ago. You know what? I know that there was sin in America 50, 60, 70 years ago, but it wasn't just being openly declared like it is now. That is a new development. Okay, that is in literally the last 10 to 15 years. 15 years ago, it was not being declared the way it is a not even close. And I'm a young man. I'm 32 years old. Okay, but I'm just shocked that the older generation just sits by and lets this happen. What a disgrace. What a shape, you know, why to be ashamed by the of themselves gray haired men who actually lived in this country when it was a clean and normal somewhat decent place. And now they just accept all this garbage. I mean, what a shame. What an abomination. I mean, at least I'm just a young man who just inherited this mess. I mean, good night to sit there as an older man and just be okay with it. I mean, if you're an older man and you're fighting against it and you're standing up against it, praise God for you. But if you're one of these gray haired people that accepts all this and look, have you noticed there aren't even a lot of older people in our church because our church is too old-fashioned for the elderly. I mean, figure that out. I mean, our church is too old-fashioned for the elderly. Elderly can't handle it. Too old-fashioned. I mean, that's when you know you're old-fashioned. You know, we're so old-fashioned that only people in their 20s and 30s can even handle it. How old-fashioned we are. It's a joke, but it's true though. It's crazy. I mean, you have all these elderly people going to churches where, I mean, look, there's this huge Lutheran Church right down in, what's that one called? Do you know what I'm talking about? I think it's in Awatukee or I don't know. There's a huge Lutheran Church near here. I'm not sure if it was that one or a different one that runs thousands and you're going to see a lot of gray heads in the congregation of a Lutheran Church. Isn't that right? Most of them are a bunch of gray heads. You know what? It's a shame. It's unbelievable, my friend, that they're not ashamed of abomination.