(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) What else we got here? Oh, how about this one? Here's another pastor, Aaron Denson. Nothing more significant. I can think of a lot more significant things, buddy. But he says there's none more significant than seeing our missions dollars going to an institution that believes what we believe, practices ministry how we practice ministry, and does it influencing so many future servants of God. It's quite the return on an investment, not only immediately, but for eternity. So basically, people come to church now, and they put their money in missions. I mean, look, preachers get up, and they put up an overhead projector showing black kids in Africa eating malt-o-meal with a song saying, here am I. I will go. I will reach the lost untold. I will give the Lord control. I will give a lot more money to missions. Right? I mean, you know what I'm talking about? They show you them going to Africa reaching people that actually need the gospel, right? People that are just, you know, foreign countries, and they're showing Africa, they're showing Asia, all these exotic places, and it's people need the Lord. People need the Lord. They're showing like a crying eight-year-old girl. When will we realize? And so people that, they're like, yes, please get that little girl the gospel. Get that little Vietnamese girl the gospel for crying out loud, right? Get that black kid in church. Get him saved, right? Get him out of the charismatic church, or get him out of Catholicism or Buddhism or Hinduism, right? And then the money goes to this college so they can build their palace. Did you hear that? He's saying we take our missions money, our missions fund, and we send it to Heartland Baptist Bible College. Not to Africa, not to Asia, not to the Caribbean, not to South America, but to Heartland Baptist Bible, send it to Oklahoma. That's the heart of the mission field. Oklahoma. Look, just because it's called the heartland, you know, that's not the heart of Africa folks. Listen to this. We need and our school deserves a good offering. I mean, they send me this in the mail saying, hey, we deserve your money. Anyway, I've never come back to this church because Pastor Anderson ripped on another back. Hey, this is wicked. They send me junk mail telling me we deserve your money. Listen to this CD. We're going to tell you how you owe us money. Here's what I think of your stupid CD. It's garbage. You're making God's house a house of merchandise. You sound like Kenneth Copeland. You sound like a TV evangelist. We need and our school deserves a good offering. You can direct your money toward any number of good causes, but if you want a 30, 60, or even 100-fold return on your investment, send it to Heartland. This is garbage. It's ShamWow Baptist College infomercial.