(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Number two, getting someone saved is likened unto having a child and everything brings forth after its own kind. Look if you would at Romans chapter seven. While you're turning to Romans chapter seven, I'll read for you from Philemon where Paul said in Philemon, I beseech thee for my son Onesimus whom I have begotten in my bonds. Now Paul talks about winning Onesimus unto Christ and he calls that I've begotten Onesimus in my bonds. I begat Onesimus. He says to the Galatians in chapter four verse nineteen, my little children of whom I travail in birth again until Christ be formed in you. So he talks about giving birth to them as a woman giving birth to a child. That's the illustration that's used. He said I begat Onesimus. He says to Titus my own son after the common faith. To Timothy my dearly beloved son unto Timothy my own son in the faith. So over and over again, Paul uses this terminology of begetting, travailing in birth, you're my son. He even says to them elsewhere, he says, well you have many instructors in Christ, but you only have one father, I begat you. He says to them, okay, he's saying I begat you in the gospel. So he used that illustration. Look at Romans chapter seven verse four. Wherefore my brethren, ye also are become dead to the law by the body of Christ that you should be married to another even to him who is raised from the dead that we should bring forth fruit unto God. What he's saying here is that we're married unto Christ, this is just a metaphor and illustration. He says we're married unto Christ so that we can bring forth fruit unto God. What's the fruit of marriage? Children. You know when God told Adam and Eve be fruitful and multiply, what's he telling them? He's telling them you're going to have children. Be fruitful and multiply replenish the earth. And so here it talks about winning people to Christ as an illustration of hey, we're dead to the law, we're married to Christ so that we can bring forth fruit unto God. Oh, just kidding. We can just bring forth fruit unto God without being married to Christ. Wrong. You have to be saved to get people saved, okay? Everything brings forth after its own kind. The fruit of oranges is oranges, right? If we took an apple and that apple brings forth fruit, it'll be apples for sure every time. He says except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die, it abideth alone but if it die it bringeth forth much fruit. You know the fruit falls into the ground, it rots, it decays, it goes into the earth and new life springs up of an apple tree and the tree is known by its fruit because everything brings forth after its own kind.