(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) And you know what? Today fundamental Baptist churches are failing today, more than they're succeeding. They're weak because they're watered down because they're compromised and because even the world's spitting them out because they're neither cold nor hot. People are forsaking the fundamental Baptist churches because they're like, if I want to have a liberal watered down sermon, I might as well go to the big church because they have a better playground. We need to be different, my friend. We need to preach the word of God. And I don't care if half the church gets up and walks out and never comes back. At least my kids will grow up with the kind of preaching that I grew up with that can't be pure. It's what we need today. You say, oh, you don't have love. Hey, this is love that we walk after his commandments. And let me tell you something, it's loving to warn people so that they don't destroy their lives. It's the unloving preacher that won't warn you and will just let you go off the cliff. All right, have a good day. Hey, looking sharp, big smile. That's not love. Okay, love is when we tell the truth. It's the Bible. It's the word of God.