(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) And he says in verse 29 for lo I begin to bring evil on the city which is called by my name Which is Jerusalem and? Shall ye be utterly unpunished ye shall not be unpunished for I will call for a sword upon all the inhabitants of the earth Sayeth the Lord of hosts therefore prophesy thou against them all these words and say unto them The Lord shall roar from on high and utter his voice from his holy habitation. He shall mightily roar upon his habitation He shall give a shout as they that tread the grapes against all the inhabitants of the earth a noise shall come even to the ends of the earth for the Lord had the Controversy with the nation's he will plead with all flesh He will give them that are wicked to the sword sayeth Lord. I mean God's got a bone to pick with everybody That's what it's saying here. He's got a controversy with the nation's he will plead with all flesh Verse 32 thus sayeth the Lord of hosts be old evil shall go forth from nation to nation and a great Whirlwind shall be raised up from the coasts of the earth and the slain of the Lord shall be at that day From one end of the earth even under the other end of the earth They shall not be lamented neither gathered nor buried They shall be dung upon the ground howl ye shepherds and cry and wallow yourselves in the ashes Ye principle of the flock for the days of your slaughter and of your dispersions are accomplished and ye shall fall like a pleasant vessel and the shepherds shall have no way to flee nor the principle of the flock to escape a voice of the cry of the Shepherds and an howling of the principle of the flock shall be heard for the Lord had spoiled their pasture and the peaceable Avotations are cut down because of the fierce anger of the Lord He hath forsaken his covert as the lion for their land is desolate because of the fierceness of the oppressor and Because of his fierce anger. So God here is likened unto a lion that's hidden in a covert some kind of a covering and it's like he just comes out with a vengeance just ready to just rip something apart and that's how God is sometimes God hides himself and We see evil prosper and we see people get away with wickedness and They think that they're getting away with it and that God's not gonna judge God has forgotten But in reality, he's just waiting until the time is right When he's just gonna pounce and he's gonna rip them apart and you know God has a different timetable than us because with God a day is like a thousand years So we might think that God is allowing evil to prosper for so long But for him, it's just a short time because he knows that in just a few years He's gonna cloud up and rain on these people So the world doesn't understand that and they continue in their wickedness thinking. Oh, look, I haven't been judged yet But once it comes down on them like a ton of bricks, then it's too late and even in our personal lives We need to not just sit and wait See you we don't want to put our foot in the water of sin Tested see nothing bad's happening. Look I'm up to my knees nothing bad says he everything's fine, you know Hey, look, I'm not up to my waist now. Everything's good, you know, look I'm all the way out of my You know the alligator the alligator comes and rips us apart That's life That's life people just go and just said oh, yeah, this is great until it all isn't great and Then they say oh, I'm such an idiot Look, how many people could we find who are old who could just tell you what an idiot they've been? Right We could find all the old Drunks and we could find all the old drug addicts and we could find the old fornicators and the old adulterers and everything You know, I mean how many do you need to talk to you? Why don't you just trust the Lord that he said that that that that that that way of life is doomed And why don't you just trust in the Lord that if we do what's right we're gonna be blessed All right now board of prayer father. We thank you so much for Jeremiah chapter 25 Lord and Thank you that you you you want your word to go to all the nations Lord, and I know that even today in 2016 you want the message of the gospel to go to all nations Lord But I believe that you want the whole message of the Bible to go to all nations That which is positive and that which is negative Lord, I pray that your word would circle this globe Lord and that people would hear your word Your wrath your love your long-suffering all of it Lord I pray that they would hear all of it in this generation and every nation and tongue on this earth Lord Just like you did in the days of Jeremiah Lord I pray that you'd raise up men like Jeremiah that would thunder out The word of the Lord to all nations and all people Lord and I pray that you would help us To harken unto your word that we might lead a quiet and peaceable life and all godliness and honesty Lord And I pray that no child or teenager that's in this church Would go out of here and live a foolish wicked sinful life Lord Because I believe that they'll be judged doubly for the preaching that they've heard because unto whom much is given of him shall much Be required and Lord I pray that that saying would sink down into their ears Lord that they would never forget those words of Jesus and it's in your name we pray. Amen