(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Now think with me, if you would. In today's world, I'll tell you what we lack. It's a fear of God. Look at verse 5 quickly, and I'm trying to just build the frame for what I'm trying to say here. Verse number 5, it says, My covenant was with Him of life and peace. Why? And I gave them to Him for the fear wherewith He feared me and was afraid before my name. What we have in America in 2007 is a lack of fear of God. We have people who think that they can just do whatever they want. Whether it's just the Joe and the Pew or teenagers think they can just go out and do whatever they want. Young people and young adults and grown people just think they can do whatever they want, and God is just going to be pleased with them, and God's going to be acceptable with them. And that's the exact condition that they were in in Malachi chapter 2. Look at verse 17. You've wearied the Lord with your words, yet you say, Wherein have we wearied Him? When ye say, Everyone that doeth evil is good in the sight of the Lord, and He delighteth in them, awareeth the God of judgment. One of the things that God was so angry with is that the people would point at somebody who was wicked and ungodly and say, He's a good person, He's a great Christian, He's a wonderful preacher, He's a great leader, and so forth. God said, That wearies me. That makes me angry when you point at somebody who's wicked and ungodly and you say, He's good in the sight of the Lord. Look what it says. Everyone that doeth evil. He's saying, You're saying that people that do evil are good in the sight of the Lord. Let me tell you something. God is wearied and angry and disgusted when somebody says Billy Graham's a great preacher. Yes, he is. Yes, he is. And if you don't think so, you need to get my sermon on why Billy Graham's going to hell. That makes God angry. You see, a positive only message makes God angry because part of what God requires of a priest is to say that someone who's evil is evil. And if you sit there and say, Well, I think that Billy Graham's a good guy. I think the Pope's a good man. I think the Pope's a righteous man. I think the Archbishop of whatever is a pretty good guy. I think he's sincere. God said, That makes me angry. You're wearying me. The Bible says, They that forsake the law praise the wicked. Let's not just keep the law. Contend with them. That's what the Bible says. If you see a person who's praising those that are wicked. Someone that's praising apostate preachers like Jerry Falwell and Billy Graham and all these different people. Someone who praises them is a bad person. Someone who praises them is someone who forsakes the law. Because the Bible says, They that forsake the law praise the wicked. Now, we see here in Malachi chapter 2, people that have forsaken the law. Isn't that what he says? You're all departed out of the way? He says, You've gone out of the covenant that I made with Levi. You've not followed the first five books of the Bible, the Mosaic law. And isn't it funny how the same people in verse 17 are praising the wicked? You see how there's a consistency here in what God's teaching? They that forsake the law praise the wicked. But such as keep the law, contend with them. Fight with them. Point them out. Now, God is angered and God is frustrated and God is so disgusted by our modern day churches. Our solemn assemblies that do not pattern themselves after the Bible. That will not preach the Bible. That will not point out the evil doer. That will not teach the truth and teach adherence to the laws of God. That he would use such a graphic illustration of taking dung and shoving it in someone's face. That's what he'd like to do, he says. Isn't that terrible? And this is what bothers me more than anything. The thing that bothers me is that there's probably somebody in this room, there could be somebody in this room, who someday will leave this church for whatever reason. And that's fine, you know, maybe they'll move away or whatever happens. But you know, the sad thing is that there's probably somebody in this room who will go to a liberal church someday. And that's why I need to preach what I'm preaching tonight. Because, I mean, I've seen it happen before. I've seen people that I've won to Christ. I've seen them baptized. I got them in church. I taught them the Bible. I taught them King James only. I taught them soul winning. I took them out soul winning with me. And you know what they did? I went to some liberal church somewhere. Now when somebody leaves here and goes to another fundamental Baptist church, you know what? Praise the Lord. Great. That's no skin off my back at all. Well, you know, if it's a Bible preaching, soul winning church, you know what? We're all on the same team anyway, as far as I'm concerned. But I'm going to tell you something. Don't ever go out of here and go to one of these liberal fun centers. What do they call them? I don't know what they call them. Capital Christian Center. They have these names like Praise and Worship Center and the Living Word Bible Church here in Arizona somewhere. I forget where it is. Pastor Anderson. And the names of some were Living Word Bible Church, Faithful Word Baptist Church, both pastored by Pastor Anderson. Pastor Anderson with his little 6,000 square foot sand castle with a real moat around it and a drawbridge. Pastor Anderson with his little fun center. Pastor Anderson who has preachers come in like Joyce Meyer. Wicked. He has preachers like T.D. Jakes. Wicked. Money-grabbing lion preacher. Tell the evangelists who want to steal people's money. They praise the wicked. They're ungodly. These churches, they think they can do whatever they want. They think they can have whatever music they want. They think they can have whatever dress standards they want. They think they can preach out of whatever Bible they want. They think that they can do what they want. They have no fear of God. They don't even believe that God one day will cloud up and rain on them. They don't even believe that God has an opinion about what they do. They don't even care that one day they will pay the piper so to speak when God brings judgment on America of them selling us down the river with their phony, false, fake version of Christianity that they've shoved down our throat in this country. What more do I need to tell you that you won't understand that you can't go to a church that preaches out of anything but the King James Bible and be right with God? I don't know what you don't understand about that. Look at you not understand about the fact that if the NIV leaves out 16 whole verses, if the NIV calls Joseph Jesus' father, if the NIV teaches that there's no prerequisite for baptism, if the NIV teaches that we're being saved instead of already saved, see 1 Corinthians 1-18, if the NIV changes hell to Sheol and Hades, words that nobody knows what the Sheol they mean, if you don't understand that, if I don't understand, I don't know what to do with you. And yet, people will come out of a church like this and they'll go to a church that uses the NIV. Why? Because it absolutely goes there. Why? Because, oh, it's the only church that my husband will agree to go to and I just want my husband to be in church with me. Why? Oh, it's because it's the only church that so-and-so will go to. You know, it's funny. I remember there was a lady in Sacramento, California, I knocked on her door, let me tell this story, I knocked on the door and I gave her the gospel, she was already saved. But she was going to a church that used to be a fundamental Baptist church and they had gone down the drain, now they were teaching out of the New American Standard and they would not baptize anyone that was under like 16 or 18 years old, I forget which it was. They wouldn't baptize anybody that was 12, 13, 14 or whatever. They did not believe in soul winning, they switched to the New American Standard Bible. And so this lady was, I was talking to her and I showed her, I had her go get the New American Standard and I showed her what was wrong with it at the door. And she said, boy, my children, you know, I've won my children to the Lord myself and they're saved and I just really want them to get baptized but the church will not baptize them. And I said, well, maybe you're going to the wrong church. Now her husband was unsaved and her husband never went to church. And so I told her, I said, well, you know, maybe you should consider visiting this church that we go to because your church is wrong and it's not even using the right Bible. So she said, okay. Well, she showed up to the next service. She came on Wednesday night and then she came back on Sunday morning and her two children were baptized. I talked to them and checked them out and made sure they were saved and sure enough they were saved and so they got baptized and she came for a couple of weeks and was really growing and learning a lot of Bible and everything. And a couple of weeks later, she quit coming all of a sudden. So I went by her house again and I said, hey, we miss you. What's going on? You know, because she was coming to a lot of services and I said, where have you been? What's going on? And she said, well, I'm not going to be coming back anymore and here's why. Because my husband who never goes to church, who's not saved, who doesn't believe the Bible, he says that if all the switch back to the new American standard, liberal, it is a doornail, no soul winning, doesn't believe that children are even saved. That's how warped their doctrine is. You know, the Bible says unless you come to Jesus like the faith of a little child, you're not saved. Children are some of the easiest people to win at the Lord. I got saved when I was six years old and I knew I was saved when I was six years old and I tried to win people to Christ when I was six years old. I didn't know what I was doing, but you know, I had that in my heart. And so she went back to that wicked as hell apostate church. Because why? Because my husband will go with me now, all of a sudden he's just ready to go to church as long as I don't go back to the fundamental Baptist church, he's willing to go with me. And I told her, I said, no, I said, you know what, what you're doing is wrong. I said, let us do evil that good may come. God forbid is what the Bible says. You shouldn't do something wrong because it's supposedly going to bring about something good. I said, your husband will never get saved in that liberal day. They don't even preach to God, they don't believe the truth. How is your husband going to get saved in that environment? They're not even preaching the Bible, they have some phony Bible. And you know, the illustration came into my mind of every, you know, I ride airplanes, I've ridden an airplane like a hundred times or something, literally. I ride airplanes all the time. And every time, that's what they say. Please put on your own oxygen mask first. You know, when they give you a little safety demonstration, I have the thing memorized, like, you know, there are two exits toward the front of the aircraft, two on the sides and two toward the rear. Find the exit nearest you, keeping in mind that the closest exit may be behind you. I have the whole thing memorized. In the event that, you know, there's a water landing, you please find the flotation device under your seat, put it on your neck, never inflated in the aircraft, pull the string to inflate. Otherwise you use the two little tubes and yeah, blah, blah, blah. Well, anyway, this is what they always say, first, put on your own oxygen mask before helping children and others who need assistance. Why? Because if you don't put on your own oxygen mask and you're helping junior, you might pass out while you're helping junior with his oxygen mask. And you're going to be able to help those around you best when you make sure that you're breathing yourself. But see, people get this attitude where they, oh, I'm okay. I'm okay. I don't need any help. I'm fine. I'm the only husband that needs it. Oh, I'm fine. It's just my kids. They're the ones who need preaching. Oh, I know I'm okay. Hey, let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall, the Bible says. You're not okay. I'm not okay. If I went to that liberal as hell church, I'd become a liberal too. I'm telling you, you will be affected by what you hear day in and day out. You will be affected by hanging around with the wrong crowd. And I told her, I said, the Bible says, take heed unto thyself, keep thyself pure. You ought to do what's right yourself before God. But people always think that they're going to somehow reach somebody by coming down to their level and meeting them halfway. No, you get as close to God as you can, then you pray to God to help you reach those around you. And you'll reach far more people in an independent fundamental Baptist church. I promise you. Okay. When you were back in the liberal church, how many people did you get saved? How many of your friends got saved? How many of your loved ones got saved? Okay. How many people are getting saved now? How many people are you seeing saved now? What's happening in your life now? And so I've seen it. I mean, that story about that lady and her husband, I've seen that same scenario. You know, the play is always the same. It's just the actors are different, but I've seen that exact same scenario at least ten times. Well, you know, so-and-so, I mean, I just heard about it recently, a lady whose husband, same thing, it was again her husband, he's only willing to go to church with me if I go to some, this charismatic, you know, dung church. If I go to dung Christian church, because that's what God calls it. If I go to dung worship center, if I go to dung assembly, Phoenix dung assembly, then my husband will go with me. So what? I didn't know that it was your job to make sure that your husband lives for God. I just knew that it was your job to make sure that you yourself live for God. And so you'll find out that if you stand your ground, do what you're supposed to do, do what's right, you'll get your husband or your wife or your daughter or your son or whatever saved a lot faster than when you just go to dung Baptist church. Because when you go there, you're going to get backslidden. You're not going to be right with God. You're not going to be. And think about it. Think about that lady for a moment. Is anybody listening to me tonight? Think about that lady for a second. What are her kids hearing Sunday morning, Sunday night, and Wednesday night now? Remember she cared so much about her unsaved husband? He's supposedly miraculously going to get saved in a church that's preaching the new American standard that doesn't even believe in salvation. He's going to come running down the aisle crying or something. What are her kids hearing day in and day out? False doctrine, heresy, liberalism, never hearing any preaching on sin. Do you ever settle it in your mind right now that God is a very great king as we saw in Malachi 1.14. He's a great king. He's a dreadful king. He should be feared and revered and you ought not just think that you can lean under your own understanding and that it's going to turn out right because the Bible says trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him and he shall direct thy paths. God is up in heaven and he doesn't think that all churches are the same. I saw a bumper sticker on the back of a truck that said, this Sunday attend the church of your choice. No this Sunday attend the church of God's choice and God's not up in heaven looking down and saying, oh isn't that great? Well they're using the NIV, well his wife's poured into a tight pair of jeans, well you know the youth groups making out and fornicating in the pews and well you know but they really love Jesus. That's not what God says. God says, quick hand me a piece of dung so I can shove it in your face and God is up in heaven and he doesn't just sit back and say do whatever you want, go to whatever church you want, have whatever music you want, dress however you want. That's the kind of thing that makes God angry and that's what God's preaching against right here. We need to get back to some old fashioned fear of God.