(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) and There are plenty of places out there where every door is not being knocked where people aren't here in the gospel But you know what you have a responsibility Here for your area where God has placed you to get a big vision and say you know what? Let's get a big vision of what we can do for God if Jesus could do it The Apostles could do it and he told us we'd do it if we would believe in him You know we can get this done if we'll get excited about it and get serious about and look one person can't do it I don't care how excited brother Romero gets. I don't care how big his vision is. It's not done by one man Now look if you would at Acts chapter 20 verse 18 and when they were come to him he said unto them You know from the first day that I came into Asia After what manner I have been with you at all seasons Serving the Lord with all humility of mine and with many tears and temptations Which befell me by the lying and weight of the Jews and now I kept back nothing that was profitable unto you But have showed you and have taught you publicly and from house to house Testifying both to the Jews and also to the Greeks Repentance toward God and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ and now behold I go back in the spirit unto Jerusalem Not knowing the things that shall befall me there save that the Holy Ghost witness it than every city saying that bonds and afflictions Abide me, but none of these things move me neither count on my life dear unto myself so that I might finish my course with joy and the ministry which I have received of the Lord Jesus to testify the gospel of the grace of God and now behold I know that ye all among whom I've gone preach the kingdom of God shall see my face no more Wherefore I take you to record this day that I am pure from the blood of all men For I have not shunned to declare unto you all the counsel of God He's saying here look from the day. I got here all seasons I've preached unto you. I've taught you publicly he said and from house to house and he said therefore I'm free from the blood of all men Now if he would have just knocked a few doors in his neighborhood right around here Could he really say oh, man, I'm free from the blood of all men in this area I mean he was in a big area is in a big city, and he said no I can honestly sit back and say I am free from the blood of all men Why because the Bible says that if we don't warn people and they're damned the Bible says his blood Will I require at the watchman's hand you know if the watchman doesn't warn and that's what God has called us to do to warn people And he said that their blood is on our hands if we don't talk to him if we don't warn him if we don't preach the gospel But Paul said well, I'm free from the blood of all men Now everybody that you talk to is not gonna get saved You're not gonna get all of Fort Worth saved, and you know people talk about oh, man They're gonna shut down the bars, and they're gonna shut down that you know It's not gonna happen because broad is the way that leads to destruction and many there be which go in there at Because straight is the gate and narrow is the way which leadeth unto life and few there be that find it but let me tell you something a Realistic vision that's a big vision is that well everybody's gonna know that this church is here Everybody's gonna know that a prophet has been among them Everybody's gonna know the gospel of Jesus Christ, and if they choose to reject the free gift of salvation It's not gonna be because they didn't hear about it repeatedly It's gonna be because they heard it and they had a chance and they chose not to be said you know I can live with that I can go to bed at night and live with the fact that some people aren't gonna get saved through Their own choice, but you know I don't want to live with the fact that there are people out there Sitting in their house that would have been saved if we would have told them But they died and went to hell because they never even heard the true gospel of Jesus Christ all they heard was lies I don't want to live with that. I don't want to have that on my hands. You know that's sick I mean, it's a horrible thought that someone's eternity Would be impacted like that because of the fact that you Didn't get a big vision you didn't get excited about solar you didn't show up you didn't care You didn't get in church. You didn't get trained you didn't go out and win souls and people's lives are hanging in the balance today I'm sick of this Calvinist garbage that says oh, you know it's all for ordained It's all predetermined. That is a lie the Bible says in Matthew 16 Whatsoever you he said I give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven And he says whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven and whatsoever you loose on earth shall be loosed in Heaven look he's saying I give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven. What do you think that means? What is this like just some mayor giving some big shot the key to the city doesn't really open anything It's just a decorative key. I mean is that really what you think Jesus is saying here. Let me play games with you Here's a key. It doesn't open anything What's he talking about see there's other people out there that are false teachers and false prophets And you know what they do they shut up the kingdom of heaven against men He said of the Pharisees and the scribes they don't enter in themselves, and they stop people from entering They shut up the kingdom of heaven against men What's the opposite of that you know opening the door wide? You know putting your hand on their shoulder and trying to guide them to that door and say look Here's the door Jesus said on the door if any man enter in by me He shall be saved and go in and out and find pasture Here's the door you know we've got the key my friend. These are the keys to the kingdom of heaven right here You know here's the key for you Romans 3 23 Romans 6 23 John 3 16 Romans 5 8 Those are the keys that unlock the door to heaven for people All they have to do is call upon the name of the Lord and they shall be saved But how should they call on him and whom they've not believed? How should they believe in him of whom they've not heard and how should they hear without a preacher and how should they preach? Except they be sent don't get sucked in to this philosophical human wisdom navel gazing you know Calvinistic Predetermined you know where they just sit around and dream up all this excuse Why you know soul winning isn't important? And You know what if I believe that garbage I wouldn't be out soul winning very much I'd go out a little bit just to say I did You know what I mean, just so well. He said go preach. I'll go do it, but if I'm not accomplishing it look I don't know about you. I don't like wasting my time I Don't like to spin my wheels like the Apostle Paul said I don't want to be like one who beats the air You know I don't look. I like running. I don't run on a treadmill because I want to go somewhere Okay, and I don't want to just be on this spiritual treadmill like oh, I'm working really hard But you know what I'm going to be in the same place whether I run or don't run or it's all it's all of God's will No, God's not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance That's what the Bible says God would have all men to be saved in the coming of the knowledge of the truth He said you have not because you ask not a has Joe Ash small thinking man You don't have anything because you don't want anything And if you'd want it and have a desire for it And you'd ask God for it, and you go out and work hard you'll do something big for God You know that's the true story my friend, but people don't want to live with that like I said you know well I don't want to live with the fact that people around me are going to hell, and they would have been saved So here's two ways to not live with that you can lie to yourself and say oh if they really want to get saved They'll get saved if God chose them. They'll get there with or without me. He'll do it on his own and Then they go to sleep at night, or you can go out and warn everybody and say hey I did my part and then go to sleep at night But don't get sucked into those lies my friend the Bible teaches over and over again that we have free will That we he said look I say before you life and death choose life Just kidding. I already chose for you. Hahaha. You know by the way your death I mean, what kind of a God it's crazy. It's crazy stuff, but you know what people that aren't saved or blinded They come up with this stuff the Bible says that the foolishness You know of preaching saves them that believe and the Bible says that the natural man receiving not the things of the fool Receiving not the things of the Spirit of God it says neither can he know them their foolishness unto him Because they're spiritually discerned So you know the Calvinist can't understand the Bible when it clearly just says whosoever will may come Whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have eternal life You know it just come take the one choose life, and he's like what you don't choose It's like what oh you have to be blind to believe that Okay, so small thinking my friend. It's something that we don't want to be a part of we want to think big