(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) So let's do it. But let me just prove to you even further, and I'm going to close the Bible now and just give you one final closing thought here. I want to further support what I said if we don't do it, it's not going to get done. You know, I love math and I've got a little mathematical equation here to expound to you tonight. You probably know what exponents are. You heard of exponents, you know, whatever. You may not know what they are, but that's fine. Well, I'm going to talk to you about exponents right now. And here's the thing. Let's pretend tonight that I'm the only saved person in the entire world. Now obviously that's ridiculous because there's millions of people that are saved in this world, right? We don't know the exact number. We know that it's the minority because the Bible says broad is the way that leads to destruction. We know the majority is on their way to hell tonight. But let's just pretend tonight, and in fact, forget me, let's make it past three minutes. Let's pretend that he's the only saved person tonight, okay? Nobody in the whole world is saved except him, okay? Let's say he just gets one person saved this year in 2011. Is that a crazy goal or anything? That's pretty reasonable, right? Just like the whole year, he just gets one person saved, okay? Then how many people are going to be saved at the end of the year? Wait a minute. One plus one is not one. One plus one is two, okay? Wait, exponents, I need to get a little more basic. So hey, at the end of the year there's going to be two. We start with one, and I don't know, this is going to take longer than I thought. The pizza's getting cold. Anyway, there's one. So at the end of the year, how many are there? Two. Okay, now we've got two. Now, boy, this is a really thriving church, two members. Do you think anybody's really impressed? You think the other pastors in Sacramento are probably thinking, wow, I need to learn some tips. Two, okay. Two's not that impressive, is it, after a year of labor. But let's say, you know what, we're just doing a humble, he's setting the bar low, ain't low, no I'm just kidding. But anyway, for those of you in the Air Force. Anyway, the bottom line is here, you have two. Well, guess what? What if he could just train that guy to be like him? What if he could just say, be like me. Follow me as I follow Christ. Come soul winning with me. I'll show you the ropes. Okay, and let's say they each go out and get one person saved next year. How many people are going to be saved at the end of next year? Four. Okay, I'm going to keep looking at you. You have the right answer. Four. So we start with one, then you got somebody saved, now there's two. Well then they each got somebody saved, now there's four. So at the end of two years, only four. At the end of three years, it's going to be eight. If every believer, if every saint, if every born again child of God would just get one person saved a year. A year. Okay, after three years, you're going to have eight. Then the next year you're going to have sixteen. The next year you're going to have thirty-two. And you say, oh man, we're five years into it and there's thirty-two people. Wow, you're a failure. You're a failure. But wait a minute, is he a failure? Let's keep seeing. The sixth year he's going to have sixty-four. Okay, and we're going to keep doubling like that. Even if just every believer, and we only start with one believer. One believer just gets one person saved per year. Okay, at the end of ten years though, because we're going to go from sixty-four, one twenty-eight, two fifty-six, now it's a pretty good sized church. Two hundred fifty-six, five hundred and twelve, a thousand and twenty-four. In ten years of just getting one person saved the whole year. Okay, so after ten years he's got a hundred, now in the world there's a thousand and twenty-four people saved. We only start with one. Okay, well let's continue that for the next ten years. And we go from one thousand and twenty-four, hey next year there's two thousand and forty-eight, but this is a fast growing church now. And not only that, we're not just packing it with a bunch of bodies, these are bonafide soul winners. These are guys that have been trained to be like him and to be a legitimate, bonafide soul winner. So this is a church of laborers. Okay, two thousand and forty-eight, four thousand and ninety-six. It keeps doubling. After twenty years his church would have a million and forty-eight thousand, five hundred and seventy-six people in it. You didn't think so, did you, when it was going like two, four, eight, sixteen? Did you know that twenty years later he would have a million? You know, he's out of the house at that point. He's got a building at that point. So one million, forty-eight thousand, five hundred and seventy-six people. And remember we always start with one. How many people are really saved in the world? Millions. We're talking about one man with a vision, okay. And you know, twenty years there'd be a million and forty-eight thousand, five hundred and seventy-six people saved. And in thirty years there'd be one billion. You know, because you just keep doubling. One billion, seventy-three million, seven hundred forty-one thousand, eight hundred twenty-four. And in thirty-three years every person in the whole world would be saved. Now we know that's never going to happen, but you know why it's never going to happen? Because every believer doesn't win one person in the Lord per year. I mean, isn't that, you know, I'm not up here with voodoo math tonight. I'm not making stuff up here. Anybody who knows math tonight knows that what I'm saying is true. And what I'm preaching unto you tonight is the proof that if we don't do it, it's not going to get done. It's the proof. This tells me that Christians are not getting hardly anybody saved in their whole lifetime. Because even if they would just get one person saved a year, okay, let's say that we're starting with millions in ten years, the whole world will be saved. You know, starting with the millions of saved. If we could just get every saved person tonight, just get somebody saved. And of course we know that salvation is a personal choice. You're never going to get everybody saved. And you know what? People have to believe on Jesus Christ. But you know what? I'm not saying tonight that my vision is for every person in the Sacramento area to be saved tonight. Because I know that's impossible. Because you know what? Nobody can make that choice for you. You know? But my vision tonight, and the vision of Verity Baptist Church, is that every person in Sacramento would be given the choice. And to hear a clear presentation of the Gospel preached in the power of the Holy Spirit by a man, woman, boy, or girl, somebody would give them a clear presentation of the Gospel. Because you know what? It breaks my heart tonight that people are going to hell. But you know what breaks my heart more? Is that there are people who are going to hell who would get saved if they would hear the Gospel. And that's a fact. There are people out there who would get saved if somebody would preach them the Gospel. If somebody would go. If somebody would do the work. That breaks my heart even more. Because it's one thing if somebody hears the Gospel over and over again and Verity Baptist just keeps knocking their door over and over again to where they get a sign that says, you know, no more Verity. We're not interested. You know, it would be one thing if somebody would just give it up to God and then they go to work and their buddy at work, you know, pulls the Bible out of the lunchbox and it's in the Gospel. You know? And then they're hearing it here and they're hearing it from there and they're hearing it again and again and they reject it and they reject it and they reject it and they reject it and they go down. You know, that's sad. But it's not nearly as sad. And the person has never even heard the Gospel. Because nobody loved them. And nobody cared. And you say, oh, I go to this other church and it's a lot more loving because the pastor is so sweet to me. And he writes me a little note and puts a little smiley face. He's really a loving God. And he doesn't raise his voice because he's screaming yell. But I'm here to tell you tonight that the love of Christ constrains us to preach the Gospel to every creature. This is love that we walk after his commandments. And the greatest commandment that he left the Great Commission was when he said, go preach to the world. Go preach the Gospel to every creature tonight. Not just your buddy at work. And I want you to preach to your buddy at work. But you know what? Everybody doesn't work at your work. You got to go out into the highways and hedges and knock every door. That's the only way you're going to do it, brother. That's the only way you're going to get to everybody is to knock every door. And then knock it again because they weren't home the first time. And then knock it the third time. And you say it's impossible. You say it's a pipe dream. You say this little church, you got to be kidding. You know, these five loaves and two fishes. This little church, you know, meeting in a house. You're a joke. Let me tell you something. It's going to get done. Hey, 70 people could get this done in just a few years. 70 people who would be laborers. Our church is not big. I'm not going to get up here and lie to you. You know, on Sunday morning, we had 68 people in our morning service in Phoenix, Arizona. And you know what? Our church has a revolving door in the front because we have tons of visitors there. We knock so many doors and we have tons of visitors because we're out knocking so many doors and winning souls. And we're out, you know, we're out there bringing people in. But you know what? People can't take this kind of preaching anymore because they're so watered down and they're so perverted by the television and everything else. So we have like a revolving door. You know, our church isn't huge. We have 68 people in our church. But you know, our church has knocked the doors of about 20% of our map that's like this in five years. And our map's double the size because Phoenix is double the size of Sacramento. We've done 20% in five years. That means that, you know, a small group that's really out there working. And you know, I thank God for my guys that are here tonight. I put up your hand here from Faithful Word Baptist Church. Hey, these guys were out knocking the doors in Sacramento today. And these guys are the laborers. They're the workers. They're here tonight because they have a vision tonight. And I hope you have a vision tonight. Let's pray our hands in that word of prayer. Father, we thank you for your word, dear God. And we thank you for the Holy Spirit. And we thank you for the ability to go out and preach the Gospel. Even if we're not talented or a good speaker, thank you that you can use any... Who is Paul? Who is Steve Anders? Anybody, dear God, that'll yield themself unto you as a laborer. I know that you can use them. And so I pray that every person here tonight, not just a few certain people, but every person here tonight would apply this message to themself and to get a vision. And as their eyes are closed right now, they see nothing. But God, let them see the Gospel going out to every creature, dear God, in a vision tonight. And in Jesus' name we ask these blessings. Amen.