(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Someone will say to you sometimes about a certain doctrine that doctrine doesn't matter every doctrine matters everything in the Bible matters or wouldn't be there and If someone is teaching a lie It ought to be rebuked and reproved. It doesn't matter what it's about and people say this that's not a salvation issue Show me that show me that in the Bible Only only fight for salvation issues Only take a stand on salvation issues Is that what the Bible says? No, the Bible teaches that we should stand on all knowledge all utterance We should reprove all false doctrine For example, you know If you look at what Paul was rebuking when he was rebuking false doctrine in 2nd Timothy chapter 2 He said that a few false teachers he said concerning the truth They have heard saying that the resurrection is past already and overthrow the faith of some You know, so their doctrine about when the resurrection took place, you know whether or not it was a so-called salvation issue Paul felt the need to rebuke it Paul said they're wrong Paul said I'm gonna call their name and point out their heresy and their false doctrine You know what? Every doctrine is important everything matters And so don't ever get this attitude that says well only salvation doctrine matters and only preaching the gospel to the lost matters you