(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Jeremiah 25 while you're turning there I'll read you Jeremiah 48 26 for sake of time. Make him drunken for he magnified himself against the Lord. Moab also shall wallow in his vomit and he also shall be in derision. So there we have it again. You say well Pastor Anderson, I'm much too prim and proper for a sermon like this. You know what, this is the kind of sermon that you need. Because I've seen some pretty prim and proper people get drunk and vomit. I've seen it. I mean I've seen the most prim and proper prima donna drink and become drunken and vomit and it's disgusting. And we need this kind of preaching and you know when you're too prim and proper for the Bible you know what you are? You're too prim and proper. You know what I mean? When you're too proper and too dignified and refined for God's Word you might just be a little too refined. Okay because this is God's Word. This is the Bible. We need this kind of preaching and I'm glad that my children are here hearing this kind of preaching and if I were you I would say well I want my children to be here all the time to hear this kind of preaching because they need to hear this so that they don't make these mistakes because what would you rather have my friend? Would you rather hear a sermon about vomiting due to drinking or would you rather have your children go out and live this? I mean I'd rather just hear the word vomit than to actually have to smell the vomit on my children's clothing than to actually have to see them vomit and have to actually see them make these mistakes I'd much rather preach about it than to have to live it and so that's why we need this kind of preaching in case you were wondering but Jeremiah chapter 25 verse 28 says this Therefore thou shalt say unto them Thus saith the Lord of hosts the God of Israel Drink ye and be drunken and what? Spew You see that? It's spelled a little different than we spell it today He says drink and be drunken and spew This is talking about vomit. This is another word for vomit. He says Be drunken and spew and fall and rise no more because of the sword which I send among you Go to Habakkuk chapter 2. We have another scripture here on vomiting and look the scriptures just keep on coming don't they? on drinking and vomiting. God's trying to send us a message here Look at Habakkuk chapter 2 verse 15 the Bible says Woe unto him that giveth his neighbor drink that putteth thy bottle to him and maketh him drunken. What's the next word? So is the person who's giving him the drink drunk? Yeah he says you're already drunk and then you're giving your neighbor drink to make him drunken also You see misery loves company. People who are drunk they're gonna try to get you drunk It's not enough for them to drink. They want you to drink with them and it's just like Eve gave the fruit unto Adam that he might eat thereof and sin Those who drink will try to get you to drink with them and he says give thy bottle to him and make us him drunken also that thou mayest look on their nakedness That's a future point that I'm going to get to but it says in verse 16 Thou art filled with shame for glory It's not glorious. It's shameful and he says drink thou also and let thy foreskin be uncovered. The cup of the Lord's right hand shall be turned unto thee and shameful what? Spewing shall be on thy glory You think you're so tough. You know you think you're a big strong man cause you can drink and get drunk and go get in a bar fight He says you are ashamed and when you're wallowing in your own vomit and when you're staggering and drunken and spewing on yourself there's nothing glorious about that. It's wicked and it's disgusting and it's foul and Christians have no business drinking or going to bars or hanging around with people that are drinking because if you're hanging around with people that drink they're going to put their bottle to you and make you drunken also and so you gotta stay away from it as far as you can. But listen to this Proverbs 26 11 and if you would turn to Proverbs 23. That way we're in the ballpark of Proverbs cause I'm going to show you a lot of scriptures from Proverbs here. Go to Proverbs 23 and listen to a famous verse Proverbs 26 11 As a dog returneth to his vomit so a fool returneth to his folly. Now let me explain this. Drinking is foolishness. It's folly. It's dumb. But as a dog returns to his vomit so a fool returns to his folly. Now you'd have to be a fool to participate in some activity that makes you vomit and then just keep going back to that same activity and doing it again and wouldn't that be stupid?