(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) You know, people are sick because sometimes they just abuse their body. Sometimes people are sick because they're being punished by God. Whether saved or unsaved, that goes. Sometimes people are not being punished by God. Sometimes it's for God's glory. God's bringing them through maybe a trial or a tribulation. And if you remember, Job said, when I'm tried, I shall come forth as gold. He's being refined. He was being purified. He was being put through hard times to make him a better person. And so we should never look at someone else and just assume, oh, they're being judged by God. They're being punished by God. God's wrath will be kindled against us if we're wrong. And so we shouldn't go there. We should just assume that the person is just going through trials, okay, and going through tribulations and we should pray for them and love them.