(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Somebody handed me a CD of Dr. James White preaching. You know, and this is the guy who's real big on the modern versions, and he's the arch enemy of King James onlyism. And he's featured in the movie New World of Divivors. Somebody gave me a preaching sermon by Dr. James White, and they said, this is some really hard preaching. You're going to like this. He said, this is where Dr. White's really going after the sodomites. And I'm just thinking to myself, how about no? I'm just thinking to myself, there's no way. There's no way that there's going to be a hard sermon against the hot. So I get this sermon, and it burned my fingers when I touched the CD. So I had to get an oven mitt. I mean, this is just red hot preaching. And it said on the CD, the title of the sermon was called A Defense of Marriage. Ooh, man, this is going to be a hot one. You can tell, right? I mean, you can tell he's really letting the homos have it. A Defense of Marriage. I put in the CD of Dr. White preaching on a defensive marriage. If you could even call it preaching, I got about 35 minutes into this thing before I finally turned it off. And he had not used one Bible verse, not even one, not even to start the lesson or to start the sermon. Not even one. OK, not only did he not use one Bible verse, he didn't even tell a Bible story. He didn't even mention Sodom and Gomorrah. How do you preach a sermon against homos, and you don't even mention Sodom and Gomorrah? You don't even mention a verse from the Bible. And it was just all just a bunch of logic and man-made philosophy about why gay people shouldn't be getting married. Who cares if they get married? Stone them with stones. You know what the Bible said? But there's like, oh, you know, a defense of marriage. OK, and listen to this. I'm listening to an audio CD. This wasn't a video, but it was apparent from listening to the audio CD that as he's preaching, he had an overhead. There was like a screen or a projection behind him of a gigantic image of two men kissing. The whole time he's speaking, there's a picture, a gigantic picture being projected behind him of two men kissing. Let me tell you something. That image should never be displayed for any reason. Even if you're preaching against it, that kind of filth should never be looked at or displayed by anyone for any reason ever. And I'm never going to have a picture like that in this church. It's disgusting. The Bible says it's a shame even to speak of those things which are done of them in secret. You don't bring that into the church and put that on a big screen and have that on. Look, you have to be a pervert to put that on the screen. There, I said it. Who would put that kind of filth on the screen? Not preaching the word of God, because he doesn't have any respect for the word of God. That's why he gets that just blah, blah, blah, defense of marriage. Worthless sermon. Worthless today, because it doesn't have the word of God as its basis. See, you can't use the Bible to preach against gay marriage, because there's no mention of it in the Bible. And they don't want to say what the Bible says about it, because it's too harsh. It's too hardcore for them. So that sermon was a joke. I bring up Dr. James White, because when I talk to Dr. James White, he really just freaked out when I brought out to him the fact that the King James Bible says that Jesus was in hell for three days and three nights before he rose from the dead. And he's like, oh, that's heresy. That's horrible. And he tried to tell me that, oh, man, he said that's not even historically been the belief of Christianity. He tried to act like I'm just making this up, like I'm just bringing some strange doctrine. Everybody's always known that hell had two compartments, a good sign. He doesn't call it hell. He calls it Hades. He said Hades had two compartments. And you know what his authority was that Hades had two compartments? The Talmud. The Jewish Talmud. He sat there and told me. He said, well, the Mishnah, which is part of the Talmud, he said, well, the Mishnah says that Hades has two compartments. Oh, well, case closed. Oh, if the anti-Christ Jews tell us that it has two compartments, case closed. We can all go home. Newsflash, James White. Judaism teaches that hell isn't even real. They don't even believe in hell. Ask the Jews today. Ask the Orthodox. Ask the Reform. Ask any denomination of Jews. Ask them if people are burning in hell for all eternity. They'll all tell you no. They don't believe in hell. But let's go to them as an authority of what hell means in Acts of the Apostles, chapter 2. Let's go to the Talmud. Let's go to the Mishnah. And James White said, oh, yeah, you won't accept those sources. You better know I won't accept that source. Why would I accept the Talmud as a source when it blasphemes Jesus? And he said, well, yeah, but you need to understand how they understood the Old Testament. I said if they understood the Old Testament, they would have received Jesus. If they didn't accept Christ, if they didn't believe in Christ, who cares what they thought that the Bible meant? Well, it matters what the Talmud says, the Mishnah, which is part of the Talmud. That's his authority. I told him, I said, well, you know, Christianity throughout history has always taught that Jesus went to hell for three days and three nights. This whole thing of, oh, the two compartments, and Hades, and he was just in Hades, that's been a less common doctrine throughout history. And in fact, he tried to tell me. I told him, I said, well, I said, not that this is authoritative, but I said, you know, the whole Roman Catholic Church and all the Protestants, they all believe that he went to hell. I said, they chant it every week in their Apostles Creed. You know, they chant that thing, we believe in the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. And they say that they believe that Jesus descended down to hell. Well, they got that part right. And let me tell you something. He tried to say, no, no, no, they understood the two compartments, though. I said, well, why does it say hell then? I guess you need to get an ESV of the Apostles Creed for your Protestant church that masquerades as a Baptist church. By the way, let me just tell you something. If it says Reformed Baptist, it's Protestant, not Baptist. It's not a Baptist church. That's a Protestant church that follows the teachings of Martin Luther and John Calvin. It's not a Baptist church. Reformed Baptist, that's an oxymoron. And he's a moron. But anyway, there, I said it. But here's the thing. It's funny, because after I talked to Dr. James White, I was out soul winning. And I knocked on the door of a professor at the Catholic University. And this guy was an expert on 16th century religion. That was his focus of his study. He was a Catholic scholar who specialized in 16th century religion and in the Protestant Reformation. And I asked him, I said, I got in an argument with this guy who tried to tell me that the Protestants of the 16th century didn't believe that Jesus's soul was in hell for three days and three nights, even though it says in the 39 articles of the Church of England that he was in hell, and even though the Apostles Creed. And he said, that's ridiculous. He said, they all believe that. He showed me evidence of the Catholics believing that. And he explained to me that the Protestants all believed that at that time. So you can sit there and pull out your Talmud and everything like that, but the bottom line is, I'm going to go with the King James Bible. Now here's the thing. If you walk out here tonight and say, you know what? I don't think Jesus went to hell for three days and three nights. I think that he was just in a good side, a good place in the center of the earth, paradiso in the center of the earth. You're entitled to your opinion, but don't say that the King James Bible is your final authority, because it's not. Now if you're one that thinks that all these other versions of the Bible are true, then you know you might have that doctrine. Because if you read other Bibles, you might come to that conclusion. But if you read a King James, hell is used 54 times. It's always a fireplace. Show me one place in the Bible where hell is a paradise. Paradise? It's hell. Every time.